Complications (2)

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As soon as I ran back I saw Deku curled in the fetus position, his body visibly shaking. I did a little jog towards him and touched his cheek which seemed to feel like ice.

"Shit! He might go into shock soon." I immediately sat down and opened my legs making room for Deku. I pulled him closer and let my legs tangle with his creating a bit of warmth for the both of us.

I was about to dress the blanket ontop of him when something stopped me. Maximum warmth comes from skin to skin contact. That would warm him up faster.



"Fuck it. Dont get mad your dumbass was about to die." I unzipped his costume and pulled it down to his abdomen.

I then pulled the blanket over us and once I had settled us under the blanket I tightly hugged him. My warm skin slowly bringing warmth to his ice cold body. The blood has stopped but some of it had smeared on my bicep and forearm.

I guess I hadn't realized how tired I was because my vision became a little blurry. I slide back against the wall I was leaning on making get a little comfortable which caused a domino effect making Deku slide down again on my chest getting more comfortable.

A small smirk crept onto my lips as I hugged his waist a bit tighter. I slowly leaned my head back till the back of my head hit the broken wall. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to some small rocks hitting my heads. I loomed up but everything seemed fuzzy. I rubbed my eyes till I saw small bubbles of colors. That's when I knew I rubbed to hard. I took my rolled up fist off my eyes and waited a couple seconds till my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness once again.

I tired to get up but I felt some weird against my chest. I looked down only to see that damn nerd still laying.

"This isn't right, he should at least be awake by now..." I felt my heart drop into my stomach and my stomach from into my ass.


I practically ripped the blanket off him and turned him around and laid him on the floor. On my knees, I slid around to be next to his side. I turned his head to the right an with two fingers I checked his puls.

"Its there but but it's slow and soft. I think he hit his head a little harder than I thought. Maybe its internal..."

I bit the inside of my cheek as played with his hair for a bit.

"What the hell is taking them so damn long?" Out of frustration I ruffled and tugged on my hair.



"The fuck? Is the building collapsing again?" As more and more pebbles came down us, the ringing noise in my ear go louder.

"Shit..." I covered my ears with my palms trying to make it stop but it seemed to only get louder.




"Up, look up-"

I looked down to see Midoriya grabbing onto my pants. His eyes seemed drowsy but his finger kept pointing upward.

"What? I can't understand." I picked up Deku resting him on my lap but he relentlessly kept wiggling out and pointed to the ceiling.

At this point I was pissed. The nerd may have internal bleeding but he's to busy to the damn ceiling. My ears are ringing with some loud shit, and to add the fucking cherry on top the damn extras haven't comeback yet.

Out of frustration small pops began forming in my hands. The pops then turned to loud bangs. Then they turned into loud booms.




Suddenly the air was even more chilly than it already was. The nerd seemed to be smiling like an idiot though. Once again he just pointed up to, the sky?

THE SKY! Oh yes! The night sky! The crescent moon! The stars! My dumbass helpful friends! Yes!

"Hey Extras! Down here! This moron may have internal bleeding! There's also a cadaver and her baby here farther along, go loon for them! Come on and hurry up!" Incould feel my sime was bright and tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

The only thing was...I could see that they were talking but, I couldn't hear them. I couldn't fucking hear them!

"No I shouldn't panic. My adrenaline is probably sky high which shot my eardrums. Y-yeah, that's probably the reason." As I argued within myself I felt someone playfully slap my back.

I couldn't hear the person behind me so I freaked out more than I should. That also seemed to surprise them. He laughed it off then started talking but I couldn't hear him. His voice wasn't even fuzzy, everything was just quiet.

My eyes widened, my heart began to pound. I felt my blood run cold for a second. I opened my mouth trying to talk but I couldn't hear anything. I spoke louder but still nothing. At this point I began hyperventilating.

My footing became unsteady. The ground beneath me began to sway. I took a step foward towards Kirashima but my legs buckled. I curled myself into a ball. I grabbed throat with my left hand and then let it rip

I let out the loudest yell every. I could feel my my vocal strings move, my adams apple moving against my palm. Another way I could tell that my voice was still in check was the worried nudges my friends gave me.

"This shit better fucking be fixed when I wake up..."

And just like that I passed out.

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