I'm sorry (11)

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It's been a couple days since my 'interaction' with Deku and half n' half. I've also talked with Kiri. I told him about my snooping around in his phone and everything I found out. We discussed and decided that we would still keep your string tied but we would continue to be friends, just like before. He even said he would help me help Deku.

"And with this, this should complete your order. Have a good day!" She laid us the bag of medicines across the counter as she waved us goodbye.

I grabbed the bag and interlaced my fingers with Eijiro. Yes we agreed we wouldn't date but we both still had lingering feelings, plus we're both touch starved. What's it matter?

Ring Ring

Ring Ring

"Hello? Oh hey Todoroki! Yup! Middle of the park. Alright, see you in a few."

"That candy cane bastard pisses me off so much!" I growled as I squeezed Kirishima's hand making him nervously laugh.

"I know but think about it. Once you talk things out with Midoriya you two will tue your string and live happy ever after am I right?" He gave me a bright smile as he lead us into the park where I could see Todoroki standing there doing nothing but it still pissed me off.

"Yeah I guess your right. He's here." I raised our interlaced fingers and pointed at him which seemed to catch his attention.

He put his phone away and started walking towards us with a scowl. "You know for someone who desperately wants Midoriya back, you sure don't act like it."

I bit the inside of my cheek as I tightened my grip on Kiri's hand. "Just shut the fuck. Just shut the fuck up."

He gave me a smug smirk and turned to Kirishima. "You have it right?"

"Of course we have it dipshit!"

"Wasn't talking to you. Now, do you have it?" He asked raising his eyebrows at Kirishima.

"Yeah, sorry we took so long. Here!" He handed Todoroki the bag full of medicines and gave him a shy smile ad he rubbed the back of his neck with his other free hand.

Todoroki checked the bag, gave himself a little nod before closing it and just giving us a blank stare. "Thanks, I'll give it to him once I see him which will probably be tonight. See you later and again, thnks."

"Tonight!?" I questioned started to feel jealous.

"Yes tonight. He was probably gonna come spend the night in my room, in not I was gonna go to his room anyways."

"Anyway!?" I questioned again wondering why the fuck he would even go to Midoriya room, let alone at night.

"He doesn't like sleeping alone after... point is he just doesn't like sleeping alone. Point blank. Look ingotta go. I got things to take care of." He waved us goodbye and then jogged off.

I curled my other hand into fist as I just kept replying what he said in my mind. Deku doesn't like sleeping alone? They always sleep together? Every night? That was just pissing me off even more.

"Hey dont worry, just thi k of the future. Soon you'll be the one sleeping next to Midoriya. You'll be the one who comforts him. "

"Yeah ingues your right. Come on, let's just get back to the dorms." I let out a heavy sigh and I walked back with Kiri in sad silence.

Knock knock

Knock knock

"This is stupid-"

"No, its smart. You two gotta talk."

"No we don't."

"The last time you two talked was weeks ago, and it was a simple Hey from across the common room. That's not a conversation."

"Well its something-"

"No it's not and you know it's not now knock!"

I rolled my eyes and lifted up my fist to knock when I hear footsteps slowly approach the door. I turned my head to Kirishima with tide eyes waving him away. I thi k ge got the memo because as soon ad i looked at him he started heading back to my room.

I heard the door knob twisted and the door opened. There stood a sleepy looking deku. Not only that he had serious eye bags, his hair was a mess, and his clothes were wrinkled, as if he had just woken up.

"Um...can I come in?" I asked.

He didn't say anything, he just turned around leaving the door open for me to follow him. When I got in the coldness of the room immediately hit me sending goosebumps all over my body.

I quickly shook it off and followed him towards his bed. He plopped on his bed hugging a pillow and I just leaned against the wall not knowing where to sit. I scanned the room and saw lots of things. Empty fast food wrappers and containers, most of the medicine I bought for him without him knowing, and clothes. Scattered clothes, a mis of his and Todoroki's.

"What's up? I was taking a nap." He said as he let out a small yawn.

"Well...you've been cooped up in here and we've been getting worried. Your room seems to be a good example. Also! Why are Todoroki's clothes in here?"

" Well first off I'm fine. As you can clearly see. Secondly, that's none of your business." He rolled his eyes and he let go of the pillow he was cuddling and let himself fall on his bed.

"If you're done now can you go? I'm trying to finish sleeping." He said pulling his covers up on top of him.

"No! Also why is it so damn cold in here?" I asked as I moved his curtains to the side to see the patio door wide open.

"Fuck off, I dont need you. I dont need anyone."

"Oh really? T even Todoroki?"

"Yes, not even him so fuck off!" He yelled and grabbed a random pillow and threw it at me. I cought the pillow and the memo.

I sighed and dropped the pullow and took my leave closing the door behind me and headed to my room where I found kiri laying on my bed watching something on his phone.

"Is that porn?" I asked knowing it wasn't as I let myself fall right ontop of him.

"So, how did your talk go with Midoriya?" He asked as he looked over his shoulder to make eye contact with me.

"Horrible. He literally told me to fuck off and that ne needs no one."

"Ouch, that's gotta sting."

"Really? I don't think so." I said sarcastically. I rolled over off of Kiri and landed on the other side of him.

"Sharks, I dont know what to do...this is so frustrating..." I groaned.

He let out a light sigh and started to play with my hair as a way to call me down. We stayed there in silence until I dozed off..

Ring Ring

Ring Ring



"Izuku! I cant- I can't find him! Anywhere!"

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