Anti's physical struggles:

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/ WARNING! I'm going to be discussing blood and sensitive topics in this one... In case anyone doesn't feel the most comfortable with it /

Anti has different types of spasms and physical problems he faces:

-One is from his uncontrollable glitching when enraged. To much energy for his body to handle making him shutter down and faint, twitching slightly.

-Sometimes his neck wound would produce to much blood he'll choke on it and spit out lots of blood, causing him to pass out due to blood loss but doesn't die because "I AM ENTERNAL."

-A laughing fit. Not the ones you'd hear in the videos but this one is rare. Mostly happens after raging so much that his insanity takes over and just makes him laugh. When this happens he would laugh like crazy, until he'd choke and fall down into a foetus position where he'll violently shake off the remaining glitch spasms he has. (a seizure).

-A manic outbreak and attacks. We all know he has a thirst for revenge and attention but sometimes the thirst would overbear him making him attacks the closest person whether he knows them or not. Could happen in the shops or out in public. But for all we know that it involves a lot of blood and knives.

-Due to his glitches he'd accidently shout out or hit something in default (sort of like Tourette's) causing his speaking and video clips to falter between him speaking and transitions to him doing something else.

JACKSEPTICEYE EGOS SHITS AND GIGGLESTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang