A day at Grimmauld (short story)

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July 31 Grimmauld place

Harry's birthday, the teens of the house could barely sleep. They all were nervous to see what will happen. With Hermione and Ron as Godparents, they were wondering what godparents do, well mostly Ron but they were all excited. After the failed interrogation at breakfast, Mrs.Weasley gave everyone the day off.

They all sat in a circle on the floor of Ron's room. Not awkwardly, they just forgot they were in each other were there. That was until a beautiful snowy owl flew into the room. Like a silent signal, Hermione got all the letters and started to hand them out. The letters were answering most of the questions. "He was always good at hiding things," Ron said with a smile on his face. Another piece of paper fell oy  Hermione's letter she went to grab it and gasped. She showed it to the rest. It was Harry holding a baby in a chest carrier, while she was chewing on the ear of the lion. "Hey Goerge can you copy this please," Ginny asked her voice cracking with emotion. 

Soon there was a stack of pictures one for each of them including Remus and Mrs.Weasley.  They ended up talking for the day even during lunch and Dinner when Ron gave the pictures to Remus and Mrs.Weasley. Who was crying slightly? 

But after dinner, we went back up to the room and started talking about what we would do when we meet them We ended up sleeping on the floor in Ron's room that night. 

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