Part 3

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I woke up the next morning in my bed and I was very confused on how I got there. I got up and went to the kitchen to find all of the guys already awake and eating breakfast.

"Hey, sleepy head." Ashton greeted me.

"Hey, guys" I replied, sleepily.

"So got anything interesting happening today?" Luke asked.

"No. I have a class then the last practice for winter percussion before we leave for Dayton." I answered.

"Oh yeah. I forgot that that you guys are going to Dayton. We're actually very excited to see the show." Luke stated.

"W-wait you guys are coming?" I was genuinely confused. With how busy they usually are, I didn't actually think that would want to come.

"Yeah, of course we are. We wouldn't miss it for the world." Luke said.


We had gotten to the hotel after the long bus ride. I was rooming with one of my close friends but after we got in our room, she put her stuff on one of the beds and then left. I was relaxing on my bed watching tv when I heard a knock on the door. I turned the tv off and went to open the door. When I opened it, I saw my brother and his three friends smiling ear to ear.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Oh come on Reagan. Don't act like you're not happy to see us." Calum said. I smiled knowing that he was right and moved to the side so that they can come in. I closed the door after all of them were inside and turned around. When I did turn around, I bumped into Michael's back. He turned slightly and we stared at each other. I blushed then looked down.

"So Reagan, you excited?" Ashton asked, surprising me.

"Um y-yeah. Hopefully we do well." I said looking up at Ash.

"You guys are going to do great." Michael said.


It was the day of our first performance and I was actually starting to get nervous. Thoughts of what if I mess up? What if they don't like the show? What if we don't move on to the semifinals? started to roam through my mind. I took in a few deep breaths and just thought that I should keep doing what I've been doing. We quickly went in the arena and set up for the show. We did the show and quickly left the arena so that we didn't go over the time limit.

"Guys, that was a great show." Our instructor David said.

I was talking with my friends when suddenly someone had run up to me and gave me a hug from behind, making me stumble forward a bit and my hands flying to the persons arms. I looked behind me to find Michael with his big goofy smile on his face. I smiled back, looking in his eyes.

"Reagan, that was great." Luke said startling me and Micheal. We pulled apart and turned to Luke.


"Reagan, care to introduce us." My friend Emily said, making me turn back to my friends.

"Oh right. This is my brother, Luke and his band mates: Calum, Ashton and Michael. Guys, these are my friends: Emily, Sofie, Becca and Julia."

Everyone just smiled and said hi to each other. We all talked until it was time for us to go back inside. We walked together until Becca and Julia had the three of us walking behind the others.

"You like him, don't you?" Becca asked.

"W-what?" I asked, confused.

"Michael. You like him." Becca stated.

"N-no, I d-don't." I stuttered, hoping to keep my crush a secret. But I knew that they would've been able to tell that I was lying considering the fact that they are some of my best friends.

"Yes, Reagan, you do. We can tell." Julia chimed in.

"Plus he likes you too." Becca said, excitedly.

"What? No, he doesn't. He only sees me as a friend." I said.

"Oh my god. Reagan, you're so blind. You don't even notice the way that Michael looks at you." Julia said.

"Yeah, he looks at you like you're the only girl in the world." Becca told me.

I blushed at the thought of Michael liking me. He couldn't. I mean, why would he? Why would he like his best friends younger sister? It honestly pains me inside to be stuck in the friend zone with Michael when I all want is to be more than just friends.



Hey guys. Happy Easter. Sorry I forgot to post the last few weeks. It just slipped my mind and then I got busy with school. But here you go. I'm probably going to post the next two parts also since I did miss two weeks. Also sorry if this one was boring. But see you in the next one guys.

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