Part 9

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I woke up the next morning and noticed that Michael wasn't in the bed next to mine. Did he go get breakfast without waking me up? Or was it something with the band?

Where is he? I asked myself. I put my slippers on and went down to the breakfast area. Once I got there, I noticed all of the guys eating and talking.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked when I walked up to them.

"You looked really peaceful so we didn't want to wake you. We also didn't want to make you wake up super early." Luke answered.

"What time did you guys get up?"

"Around 8:30." Calum said.

"That's not super early. guys. You could've woken me up." I told them.

They didn't say anything and I rolled my eyes. I went to grab some food. I came back and they had already moved over and put a chair in between Ashton and Michael. I sat down and started eating while they started talking about the plan for today. I eventually stopped paying attention and zoned them out.

"Reagan!" Ashton sternly said, making me jolt up. "Did you hear anything we said?"

"N-no. I zoned out for a bit."

"Seems like you." Luke said.

"As I was saying before, we were thinking of hanging out by the pool. Wanna join?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah. I'd love too."

"Sweet. Let's go get ready then." Ashton said.

We left to go back to our rooms to get our bathing suites. I let Michael use the bathroom to change first since I knew he would've changed faster then I would. After Michael got out, I went in to change. I got out after changing and noticed that Michael was still in our room, waiting for me.

"Michael, what're you still doing here? I told you that you didn't have to wait for me."

Michael didn't seem to say anything and he just stared with his eyes wide.


"W-what? Sorry. Um yeah I know but I wanted too. And I wanted to make sure that you got to the pool safely."

"You know I can take care of myself, right?"

"Yeah I know. It's just that Luke would probably kill me if I left without you and I wanted to walk with you."

I smiled at how sweet he was. I put shorts and a T-shirt on. We left and headed towards where the pool is. Luke, Ashton and Calum were already there and in the pool.

"Cmon, slow pokes. You're late to the party." Ashton yelled at us.

I took off my shorts and shirt so that I was left in my bikini. I walked over to the edge of the pool and jumped in. We were all laughing and playing around.



Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. I got busy with school so I haven't been able to post as much as I want to. But here's the next part. It's really bad I know. I'm trying to make it interesting but hopefully you guys like it so far. But I'll see you in the next part, whenever that may be. I was planning on posting this part yesterday but never did so here it is. Also happy pride month everyone. If you're in the lgbtq+ community, just know that I love you, you're valid, I support you, don't let anyone else tell you who you can and can't be, the boys love you, the boys support you.

My brother's best friend Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant