Promises II

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He turned into the parking lot of the police station.

After he parked he examined himself in the rear view mirror. Yellow eyes stared back at him, they seemed to glow casting a yellow hue across his face. He looks exactly the same as before, apart from the little beads of sweat forming on his forehead causing his raven hair to stick to his face.

They say killers are monsters, funny...I don't look like one.

Wolf in sheep's clothes.

He put his hands up to get a better look at them, they were shaking and his claws had blood on them. Well of course they are shaking, his whole body is shaking.

I wonder why....shock? ....fear of what I did?.......maybe....anticipation?

It was surprisingly easy to kill him, all the hours spent perfecting his fighting skilles payed off. With swift movements he stabbed the Galra twice in the stomach with his mother's blade, temporarily immobilizing him, giving Keith just enough time to pin him down and strangle him. He struggled but finally gave up, accepting his fate with a final Vrepit Sa.

He climbed out of the car, his legs where so shaky he had to crouch down for a few seconds just to steady himself. He felt embarrassed for being so weak, Kolivan would be so disappointed in him right now for being weak, for trembling like a wussy.

When was the last time I had eaten?

He shakily lifted his hands to open the door to enter the police station, to report his crimes, guilt was eating him up on the inside and his nerves were shot. What he's done was wrong and he knew his father would want him to do the right thing.

This was the right thing to do.

He was about to enter when he heard Pidge yell at him. "Don't you dare go inside there, Keith Kogane!"

He swirled around to see Pidge yanking the Jeep's door open as soon as it came to a stop and running over to him, tackling him in a bear hug. "We have come to take you home." He voice muffled against his chest.

Keith looked at Shiro who was sitting in the driver seat, Hunk and Lance were squished together in the back seats, well mostly Hunk squishing Lance. They all looked at him with worry etched into their features, but still giving him small welcoming smiles.

"But Pidge..."

"No!" She let go of Keith and took a step back looking him dead in the eye. "You are not turning yourself in, we know what you did and we want to help you work through it. Don't give everything up now by going in there and ending your life for good. You still have SO much to live for." She spoke soft enough so that only he could hear what she was saying.

"But how?" He asked dumbfounded

"How do we know what you did? Or how are we gonna help you?" She said as she rewrapped her arms around him while gently rubbing his back, this time he hugged her back and rested his chin on the top of her head.

"How do you know what I did?"

Pidge smirked at him, pushing her circular glasses further up the bridge of her nose. "Now THAT shall remain my secret."

She grabbed his hand and gently pulled him towards the Jeep. "Come on Keith, we can help you."
Keith felt extremely guilty when he looked down at their hands, his purple skin was slowly turning back to his usual light skin as his resolve crumbled, some of the blood that was on his hands were now smeared on hers. Like a Infectious disease, making her dirty.

"Wait!! Pidge." He ripped his hand out of hers and placed it behind his back to hide his bloody hands as if it would hide the fact that he killed the Galra soldier.

"I don't deserve your help...I know what I was wrong, a-and the worst part is that I didn't regret k-killing him" he averted his gaze, not wanting to look into her soft brown eyes. "He got what he deserved now I have to get what I deserve."

Pidge stood on her tippy toes and cupped Keith's face with both her hands forcing him to look at her
"Now you will listen to me Keith Kogane, we need you, Voltron needs you, Red needs you, we can't defeat Zarkon without you." She let go of his face and reached for his right hand and then placed it on her heart covering his hand with hers.

"Keith, I need matter what you did I will always be there for you, no matter how far you have fallen I will always help you up, because." She took a deep breath "b-because I love you."

Keith heart screeched to a halt....Pidge loves him

He looked down at her into her chocolate brown eyes trying to figure out if she was lying to him but all he saw was the most sincere expression on her face. His heart instantly melted and he traced his left thumb over her cheek leaving a red stripe on her cheek.

He had no idea that she felt the same, he was intrigued and amused by her the first time he saw her, but that quickly changed into something more than just amusement...he began to have feelings for her, every time she talked to him or looked at him he had this warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach.

But he had a mission to complete so all he did was push his love for her to the back of his mind and focused on revenge.

( I have never EVER written a kiss scene before and this is so cringy *screams into pillow* okay now I'll carry on )

His body seemed to have a mind of its own when he leaned down and gently pressed his lips against hers. This was his first kiss, so he didn't know what de hell he was doing. Pidge smiled before kissing him back.

"Finally!! My kittens are all grown up!!! I started to think y'all gonna avoid your feelings about each other forever, especially you Keith, you dance around feelings trying to dodge it."Lance yelled

"Yeah there sure was some tension between you two." Hunk chimed in.

Shiro just sat there with a idiot grin plastered on his face. Proud of his little friends growing up.

Pidge let go of Keith's hand and when he took his hand off the blood left a red imprint of his hand right above her heart.

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