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Lance and Pidge have been walking home together ever since middle school, why, because they were neighbors. It just made things way better, and fun for both of them.  Now they were in High school together.

On their way home it looked like it was going to rain, you could practically smell the fresh rain compacted in the grey clouds

The streets were busy, with people rushing this way and that way, heads down against the wind, some with parcels under their arms, others simply hoping to get home before the rain starts pouring down.

Pidge snuggled closer to Lance trying to get more of his body heat and using him as a shield against the merciless wind. She knew it is totally weird but at this moment it was so cold that she couldn't care less.

Lance chuckled and wrapped his right arm around her shoulders. She blushed a little but all she was worried about now was trying ( selfishly ) to keep herself warm.

So what if he thinks this is weird, he wanted to walk with me and I didn't think of bringing a jacket to school as it was pretty warm this morning.

"Hey, you are shivering, wait let me get my jacket out of my bag"

He stopped, flung the backpack off his shoulder and bent down to get the jacket out of the bag.

"What? No wait that is really not necessary, I will be fine. I can tell you're cold as well so take the jacket for yourself, it is YOUR jacket after all, no need no worry about me." She said while waving her hands frantically. She didn't want him to think of her as careless for forgetting her jacket.

"Are you kidding me? what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you, a little girl, freeze while I wear the jacket."

"A little girl?" Pidge raised her eyebrow at him. Her embarrassment temporarily forgotten.

"Jeez Pigeon, you get the point." He replied, not able to wipe the stupid grin off his face. He pulled hoodie out of the bag and handed it to her.

Once again she could feel the blood rush to her face and she was certain that there was a blush covering her cheeks.

She quickly put on the hoodie trying to act nonchalantly to hide her blush while her insides are trembling with giddiness. If she was alone right now she would squeal like a little girl and jump up and down in excitement.

What is wrong with you? Bad Katie!!! Since when do you squeal internally and fangirl over something so simple... this is not some cliché anime movie this is real life and in reality something like this is platonic...

like...DUH, you dumbass.

Get yourself together!!

Lance rudely interrupted her internal argument when he waved his hand in front of her face.

"What has you so deep in thought that you zoned out for a while, someone important on your mind?" He gave her one of his signature smirks.

Pidge just rolled her eyes and scoffed in response not trusting her voice to sound normal right now.

She didn't even realize how far they had walked until he gently nudged her shoulder and pointed at her front gate that was a few feet away from where they were currently standing.

"Thank you so much for walking with me."
She thanked him and gave him one of her bright and truly happy smiles, those are rare, so he should feel honored.

"Sure, no problem. See ya later Pidgey"

He winked before entering through his front door.

He winked at me...

She could  practically feel her insides turn into a pile of goo. Happy and excited goo.
( not that goo has feelings of course)

She felt like skipping to the door but contained herself. This stupidity has to come to an end. This is embarrassing.

She shook her head as if to clear her clouded thoughts and went inside.

As she walked into her room she dropped her bag next to her bed this time to avoid tripping over it like she always does.

Plopping onto her bed she climbed in under her duvet. She wasn't going to do her homework now since it was Friday, which meant she has the entire weekend to complete all her homework.

She didn't even bother to make my her this morning, seriously... why bother if you're just gonna mess it up later that day anyway.

It's a utter waste of energy.

Snuggling deeper under the covers she could also smell the hoodie that smells like a mixture of apple and cinnamon.

Oh my goodness.... this smells amazing
This is sooo my new favorite smell, it's not like I had a favorite smell but I definitely do now.

She pulled the hoodie closer to her face and closed her eyes as breathed in the wonderful scent that exactly smells like Lance.

No harm in that. I can be weird for a few more hours.

Heyooo!!! Please!! I need ideas 🥺😌👌

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