School AU part 1

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I feel like there isn't enough Shay x Hunk fanfics out there

"Are you getting out of the car on your own or should I shove your ass out of my car?" Shay's mom asked, a huge grin plastered on her face.

"It's just.....ugh nevermind, see you after school mom."

She can feel her heart pounding as she approached the gate.

Her nerves are all over the place you could describe it like butterflies in your stomach but her case it feels more like aggressive bats trying to escape their small dungeon.

She wished that she could run back to the car right into her mother's arms and listen to her calming heartbeat, while Shay tries to build up the courage to enter her new school, a brand new chapter in her life.

Today was her first day in a new High school, and she was terrified that people would notice notice her.
It's not like she hates speaking to people, it's just that she's not used to making friends because she's self conscious about her acne and her build, she's stuck between buff and fat.

She braced herself before entering the building, She kind of expected everyone to stare at her, judge her.

But lucky for her, her outfit was neutral enough to be looked over, to go unnoticed, which meant she went unnoticed.

Like always.

She walked with her eyes glued to the floor which was white rectangular shaped tiles.

She made sure her feet did not touch the boarders of the blocks, a habit she had ever since she could remember.


When the bell announcing break time rang she took her time packing up all her books and headed out for lunch.

As she was thinking about where she was going to sit, wondering if she should go sit alone somewhere to read or if she should ask someone if she can join them so that she don't look TOO lonely and weird.

Although she knew that she was both of the above.

She crashed into something as hard as a brick wall.

"Hey watch where your going!!"

She yelled trying to pick up all her books now decorating the school corridor

"If I am not mistaken you are the one who crashed into me." The person replied bending down to look at her, she gave them her best scowl.


"But because you seem to be new here I will let it go" he said returning an equally angry scowl.

"Oh, how kind of you, your highness" She said sarcastically before pushing past them.

She could hear them mumbling something but she couldn't care less what they said about her.

After school she practically run home, the further she's away from that school the better. She swore she'd get some weird prick virus from that place.

"Hi mom" She yelled as she walk through the front door. No response. She found a note on the fridge

'Hi sweetheart, I had to stop by the shop for some stuff , remember to do your homework'

She snorted
"Wow I would forget to do my homework" She said to no one in particular.

She walk towards her room and dropped her school bag in the doorway and attempted to doing her homework.

After about an hour of trying to figure out the biology homework she gave up and turned on her phone to see if anybody from her old school had texted her.

Nope nobody had.

She sighed and shut it down again

She decided to go outside to feed the rabbits.
She stared at them solemnly.
They look so happy with their uneventful and plain life eat, sleep, repeat, that's basically it and they are happy as can be.

She wondered why she can't be like them... her life is very boring and she don't enjoy it ...why can't she just be like a rabbit: happy with dullness. 

She was so busy sulking that she didn't notice the guy standing on the other side of our picket fence.

"Hi! Do you want a cookie? I baked them myself." She looked up and saw buff guy, wearing a yellow shirt with an orange head-thingy. He smiled sweetly at her and held out a plate of cookies towards her. "I'm Hunk by the way."

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