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Part 1. Lillian's POV

This is a love story between humans.

Being the wife of a mafia, Don comes with a lot of nonsense, really. People make it seem cute with all this lovey dovey behavior. It's hardcore. It's traumatizing, and honestly, it turns you into a demon as compared to the little pigtailed princess you used to be.

I mean I look back to the ambitious little girl I used to be, I wanted the world, I wanted to travel, I wanted to have enough money to never ever see the days where I have to eat once a day because there's no money or food.

Now, I have it all, but just in a cage where I watch all that I've wanted manifest, but I can not enjoy nor experience. My ex-husband wasn't a bad man to me, but he still was bad enough to make me feel like all that I'm good for is laying on my back and being arm candy. He never cheated nor beat me like the others do with their wives, but he sure did not see me at all.

I still remember the first time I came here, I really knew nothing, just twenty years old, trying to make enough money to save up for college. I guess I should've  realised that I was in danger because the next thing I know, I'm married to a 37 years old man and being forced to be a housewife.

My first instinct was to run, but waking up in an unknown place with two huge men holding guns is enough to make me sit down and think about my life. Austin was not interested in love, he wanted an heir, preferably from a stable and legitimized sex partner.

I was taught self-defense and all of that mumbo-jumbo. Now I'm twenty-five, a widow and childless, which I'm grateful for. I mean the sex wasn't bad, but it also wasn't that great. As long as I had at least one orgasm then he could ejaculate as many times as he wanted.

His brother Marco figured it would be a great idea to kill him and take over, I had no problem with that because Austin and I were never friends. I know Marco is the half-brother who is power-hungry and just a tiny bit insane. Rules usually state that when one brother dies, the next in line inherits all that belonged to him, including the wife (me).

Marco doesn't really care much for me, and as long as I don't talk about the murder I witnessed, I'll be alive and not be the mafia wife all over again. Now I'm just a prisoner with a bit more freedom, not a bargaining chip, most of the mafia leaders want me for my inside information but they can't get to me because I'm an "important but not so important" piece in the game.

I'm a big girl. If I can say that, most men aren't into that. Austin had a thing for big thighs and some love handles. He said he liked grabbing and needed room for that when having sex so he chose me when I was captured.

We're not the largest mafia family. Maybe we're the fourth in the list. The largest would be the crazy combination of the Americans and Italians. That alliance ruined a lot for some of us, and they gained so much more territory that everyone wants to be a part of them now. You just can't say the "Romeros" without feeling like you've just called the devil from hell.

I can't say I like them either because the man who was supposed to take over was more murder happy than leading, so he became the second in command. The board was more than excited for that because no one wanted to be led by a bloodthirsty hound, so the younger brother took over and is now the leader.

They call him Cerberus the hellhound because every mark he has, he never misses, he can sniff the men he is after very quickly and is more than efficient at getting them. Murdering and torturing are his skill and favorite job. He never attends the stupid balls so I've never seen him but the ladies say he has two different eye colors, almost seven feet, long hair shaved on the sides with a beard so I guess the viking look is what I'm going for.

He is not a fan of women though, or should I say 'sleeping around', he slept with one, and the poor girl apparently left his home delirious and sore all over. The younger brother is married and happily at that, but who knows. That family is closed and sealed, even top secret, hidden files have nothing on them.

I, on the other hand, am just the woman who knows the ins and outs of the mafia like the back of my hand. No one knows this, of course, but I'm tired of this. I just wanna find love and raise my children away from this toxicity because this environment has done nothing for me except hurt me and degrade me.

But, enough of my pity party, let me go for my late night walk and get some air.

Just as I get to the bottom of the stairs, Marco appears out of nowhere like the evil spirit he is "Lilliana my darling, I hope the air will be sweeter tonight so you can sleep better". He doesn't usually talk to me, so I just nod, side step, and head down.

"By the way, I'm meeting with the Romeros tomorrow morning. They called and asked to meet with us, be a doll, and be good tomorrow like the handbag you're supposed to be." I just keep on walking forward thinking 'what the fuck do they want'.

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