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Part 2. Lilliana's POV

Well, it didn't take too long for me to be chilled by the night air. The Romeros are coming, I wonder why. Marco might have pissed them off, or they want more territory. All I know is that nothing good can come out of this.


The only words I can think of right now are that I was right. Nothing good came out of that meeting. The evil spirit, aka Marco, has struck a deal with them. There are many ways to build relationships in the mafia, and I guess selling a woman is the highest, or should I say, the first option. Now I must go home with the heterochromia demon.

I'll agree he's hot, like eerily hot, more like the hot and uncaring vampire type of hot. I mean, he is big and yes, almost seven feet tall with a man bun. Please queue the heart eyes.

He was quiet throughout the meeting whilst his brother did the talking. I made refreshments and had to sit in and listen.

Long story short, they want a relationship with us because our guns and women supply is steady and great. I, on the other hand, will be collateral damage. Marco, being the saint that he is, proposed that I marry into the family as a sign of good faith.

How my husband treats me will determine if they are worthy of being business partners. I call bullshit because he's probably hoping that I fail and die.

Whilst I'm stewing and marinating in my anger, Carlos, the younger brother thought it would be swell to laugh and say "my brother has no use for a wife, he will just neglect her and probably have an orgy with his weapons"

Throughout the conversation, hellhound on the side didn't bat an eyelash, comment, or even laugh. He's just stoic and quiet, eyes moving lazily, almost like a bored pet waiting for the owner to release him.

Well they agreed and now I'm off to be married, as in today will be my wedding day, as in I'll be Mrs Romero the second but technically the first, because I'm marrying the firstborn.

Whoopty fucking woo. The deco is done and the venue was secured and all that. Marco walked me down the isle with a huge smile like the cat that got the canary.

The wedding continued, and vows were said, I learned that my husband's name is Abel. We got married, and that's it. Reception was quick, and that's it. Now we're off to the mansion.

We got there after two hours of driving and the house was nice, more artsy than homey. This is all depressing really because life as I knew it is over and now I must begin anew.


Moving in wasn't a big deal, I've been here a month, and honestly, I've been neglected by my so-called husband who enjoys bathing in blood more than water. My sister in-law is a class A bitch who worships her husband and believes he'll love her one day, that's sad really.

I haven't had sex in years, my second wedding night was a bust, we got home, I showered and got to bed, the man went to work and I guess he married his job. I mean I am used to neglect but it hurts that I can't buy toys to help me with my problem because somehow those are blocked from all the cards I have, as in I can't shop in certain stores nor can I buy in certain online stores.

My "husband" rarely sleeps at home so yeah I have nothing, my hands are tired of working coz they cramp up way too quickly lately so I can't finish myself off.

I spend most of my time in the kitchen perfecting my skills because I've loved cooking and now I can perfect it with my new recipes. Laura, the cook actually likes it when I cook with her.

"Laura I need a favor". well that went well.

"I am not sure that it is wise of you to ask that of me". The poor woman looks scared out of her mind, like she'll die.

"it's nothing serious really, I just need you to buy me a certain thing when you have the market days". Her eyes bulge out and she looks at me and then lowers her eyes to my stomach, I can't help but laugh dryly at that.

Laura basically gets two days off to buy a month's supply of groceries and anything we might need. Vera has the cleaning department sorted, but that woman is utterly devoted and knows that such things are not allowed so I won't ask her.

"It certainly isn't that but it's related somehow, I need you to buy me a vibrator". I whisper that last part and look around to make sure no one hears me. Laura just blushes and looks away and nods her head.

"This is one conversation I never thought I would have with one of the ladies of the house but I am no prude and I actually have a new one that I could give you ma'am". Well that went better than I expected

"Thank you Laura". We both kept quiet and continued on with our cooking.

The next day I find my little gift that I requested and I almost cry out of joy, I'll hide it in my closet with my belts and cuffs. Vera knows about those and told Carlos who basically said they're okay and I should lock them up so I don't traumatize his staff.

I get to my room and open it, it's an 8 inches rabbit vibrator that I will be using to cure all my loneliness and frustrations, fun times I tell you.

I've been reduced to such things, it's really odd how low I've stooped, but hey, you can't get lower than being in the mafia.

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