tagged lol 🥳😋🤩😛

46 0 25

so i was just chilling and i got a noti i was tagged and ifykyk i never get tagged so like 🧍🏽‍♀️
but imma do it anyway because i'm bored. ok? ok.

1. do you have crush?

     kinda, i used to have one on my best friend of six years and she liked me back but her parents were homophobic and i'm pretty sure they found out somehow, and you know that never ends well so she miraculously transferred schools two months after the confession 😋🔫

2. What's your middle name?


3. what's your height?

     i'm 5'3 🧍🏽‍♀️

4. eye colour?

caca brown

5. What's the last time you cried?

    today when my mom looked at my report card and saw two C's 👩‍🦽💨

6. biggest fear?

   my bed hair

7. last song you listened to?

      Best Friend by Rex Orange County

(i wonder whom i was thinking of at the time 🌚) *looks back at question #1*

8. last person you texted?

a friend who i have all my classes with

9. favorite app?

tik tok (?)

10. tag 20 people

no ⚰️

anyways thanks for tagging me ig 😏 ok bye

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