do what you will chile 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

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Can one of you roaches PLEASE tell me how to start the intro of these things cuz most the time i don't update this book is because idk how to start the chapters 🤠
oh and i found cute emoji combos so here



Anyways so i realized you all probably know nothing abt me so i thought that i'd be a good idea to tell some stuff about myself or just my interests or personality in general

so uhh uh uh uh idk 😹

chile nvm lemme just turn this into a Q&A and literally just ask me anything you want because i just realized i know nothing about myself, the questions can be about the new books i have that are coming out in 2021 or about me or literally anything you'd like.

ok well bye ig 🙄❔

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