Moving day! (Leosaya)

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Today was the day that Sayaka and I move in together! I am so excited because for once I won't have to drive all across the globe just to meet with them for rehearsals. I know that I'm the Ultimate Baseball Player, but I've always had a love for music. My parents just thought that I would be more successful if I did sports instead of music. I proved my parents wrong though because now we are a very successful band, Number one hits and all!

Our band name is Zero Effect, we also have one more person who plays with us, and that's Ibuki. I'm also kinda excited to be in the same room as Sayaka because she's really cool! ...And she's kinda cute...but that's not important. At this very moment, I'm looking around at my new and empty apartment and trying to think of how to decorate this place. I heard that Sayaka would be decor shopping with Makoto and Kyoko over the weekend. Maybe I'll ask her if I can join, I have enough money and I need new decorations.

I heard the door open, Sayaka pops in with a grocery bag in her hand. She probably went grocery shopping, "Hello Leon! I'm back with some food, anyways are you ready to rehearse with Ibuki" she asked "Hey Sayaka, yeah let's go then." I replied, I then started walking behind Sayaka to the car with a sudden warmth growing in my chest, I don't know why but for some reason I felt happy that Sayaka was with me again.  

This was made by both Author-chan and Issa

The end of hope peaks academy||one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang