Chapter 2

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You ran as fast as you could to the place that you kept on hearing explosions.

3mins later

"You made it to the area." You were shocked.

It was a villain attack!

You could see some heroes fighting some 'type of villain.
You decided to ask what in the hell was going on.

"HEY, YOU!" You said while walking near a civilian that was watching the burning building.

He looked at you in confusion, then a face of realization.

"Wait, you look like-" he tried to say something, but you just said it wasn't the time.

"What's going on here?" You asked

He started to explain that there was an unexpected fire and that the fire, fire heroes haven't arrived yet. He said something about they were getting attacked at their base.

"Well, Damn..."

You started to think, you analyzed the area within a few seconds. You took a deep breath.

"I'm going in," you said.




"WhAaTttT?!?!? Are you insane!!" He said in shock.


Does it look like I or I'll give a damn?

"B-but," he tried to speak, but I had already ran inside the area.


Well, well, well, what do we have here.


You glared at the man.
He looked Fairly young. He had red hair, a black earring on his left ear, and had a scar on his right eye.

Before you could even think, he threw a Huge rock at you. ITS LIKE HE CAN CREATE THEM IN THIN AIR.

You dodged, but he just kept coming and coming, so you hid behind the burning building.
At least the ash was helping you hide your figure.

You can hide all you want, but ill find you ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!

"He threw big bricks that were hitting everywhere." You knew you had to get out of there.

You ran out and started to run around, dogging most of his attack, but you knew far too well that you couldn't keep playing cat and mouse forever.

"Ugh, this is getting boring, I thought you would be fun to play with, but all your doing is running away." He said.

You started to walk a bit around the area because, for some reason, he stopped attacking. But while you were walking, you saw something or someone.

So I guess it's time to make this more interesting, hmm? He said.

You then saw two kids near you. They looked to be sister and brother, and the sister looked like the older one. They were hiding. They weren't caught yet, because the ashes were covering their figure.

"Now this is going to get fun.," he said with a sinister smile.

You made sure not to talk to them because you weren't sure if he noticed the children or not.

He was now making a rock.

That rock wasn't just any rock...'

It was a bulder, the biggest one ive ever seen in my life.

Hope you enjoyed

You For Me, Me For You Bakugou x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя