𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟕

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Nadia (Nana) Gossier
18 || Texas
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It was day 2 of staying with Zay, and it wasn't that bad. I had more people to talk to since Mike and Davion are always here.

I was sitting in the living room watching tv by myself. Chloe facetimed me and I was so happy to get to talk to her. It felt like I haven't had time to have a decent conversation with her.

"Hey bitch!" I yelled through the phone.

"Hey Nana, I miss you!"

"I miss you too, how you been?" I asked.

"I've been good, but guess what!"

"What? You Jarvis girlfriend of something?" I said with a chuckle.

"Hell yeah, that's my nigga now." She said with her tongue sticking out. "But how you and Zay doing?"

"We doing.." I said. "Nah, but we doing good!"

"Im glad to hear that y'all going strong! I'm so proud you finally got him! You been crushing on that boy for the longest." She said then chuckled.

I let out a chuckle with her too. I wanted to tell her what happened, but what if she didn't believe me?

"Alright, Ill talk too you later bestie. I love you." She said.

"I love you too, bye!" I said with a smile, then hung up the phone. I sat in silence while scrolling through my phone for 10 more minutes until Mike, Davion, and Zay busted in the house.

I mugged all of them because they came in so loud, and smelling like weed.

"Y'all so damn loud, and y'all stank." I said with a mug.

"Yo coochie stank." Davion said.

"Yo mama, and yo dick little."

"Nah, my shit will touch yo heart shawty. Unlike somebody." He said making me and him both bust out laughing.

"What the fuck so funny?"Zay asked making me instantly stop laughing and look back at my phone.

"You ain't hear me?" Zay asked.

"Damn nigga she can't laugh?" Mike asked.

"Not if I don't know what she laughing at." He said, then sat back on the couch.

I rolled my eyes and continued scrolling through my phone trying to ignore their loud asses.

I eventually went upstairs and started doing my hair because I was bored. I was in the room by myself until Zay came in and laid on the bed.

I ignored him and continued doing what I was doing.

"Nana come here." He said making me get up and sit beside him. He grabbed my chin and instantly pulled me into a kiss.

I hesitated, but gave in eventually. He laid me on the bed and started leaving hickeys on my neck. He tried taking his pants off, and started to make me uncomfortable.

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