Chapter 3: Following The Light

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"What do you think that angel was on about?" Petra asks. I look down at my hands. "Not sure" I reply. "But it means we can see our loved ones, even if there are consequences".

After a lot of thought on the subject, I decide to go take a walk, but all of a sudden I get a strange sensation bubbling up in my forehead. Then I hear a voice say something about the fact it's time to go.

"Marco?" Petra says. "Are you okay?".

That was the last time I saw her... Before my vision was compromised.

Then I felt a jolt of pain and woke up. I was sitting in the place where the titan dropped my corpse.

Oh... So this is what that goddamn angel meant

I get up and immediately recognise my surroundings. I then remember where Jean is because when I was in Heaven I watched over him. As I headed towards the Scout HQ, people on the streets give me sad looks as if they are actually trying to be sympathetic.

As I arrive at the Scout HQ, I ask the Guard. "I'm Marco Bodt, Leader of Squad 19, and I'm here to see my comrade Jean Kirstien".

"Okay" he replies. "Please wait here". "Thank you" I reply. As I wait in anticipation for Jean, I notice Connie and beckon him over. "Hey Connie!". He gives me a very shocked look and looks like he's going to faint.

"MARCO?!" He shouts. "Jean said you had died?!". "Well" I reply. "I technically did, but it's hard to explain". That was when I saw him, standing there like the majestic stallion (cheesy I know XD) he is. The love of my life.

Jean Kirstein


"Excuse me sir" says the Guard. "Are you Jean Kirstein?". I immediately turn around. I reply "Yes, I am why?". He then continues by saying "I have been sent to fetch you because you have a visitor" he says.

A visitor? Who would want to visit me? Wait... What if it's Marco's family?! They don't know he died... Oh god....

I quickly run to the front gate and that's when I see him.

It can't be....



"JEAN!" I shout at the top of my lungs. He runs towards me and throws his arms around me. "Marco? How are you..." He starts. "It's a long story" I say. " I don't understand? I saw your corpse on the pavement, I WATCHED YOU DIE! ALL I DID WAS JUST STAND THERE!". "Jean" I say. "Calm down". He then tears away from the embrace and touches my face as if to check if I'm real or not.

Should I tell him the truth? I guess since he is the love of my life (OTP :3)

"Jean, I need to tell you what really happened" I say. He replies "Okay... Go on"

"Well it all started off when....". After I had explained what happened with Petra and the Angel and the fact I only have one hour he just looked at me and said. "Wow... I can't actually believe that happens to people once they die".
I reply with a smirk on my face "Yeah I know, it's weird".

"You don't hate me for abandoning you do you?" He asks. "Jean" I start. "I would never ever be mad at you and you know that". He then grabs me and whispers in my ear. "Let's make the time you have worthy then".

So we decided to go and visit everyone, Even though they thought I was some kind of hologram. Poor Armin even fainted. "Well" I say. "That was interesting". "Marco" Jean says. "". "I love you too Jean".

Then I start to hear a ringing sound in my ears. "Are you okay Marco?" Jean asks. "You look a little pale". I answer. "Yeah I'm fine I just need to lay down".

I go and lay down and then the ringing starts getting louder and louder, as if someone is playing a gong through my ears. Then I hear a strange voice in my head.

"Marco, Your time is up and you never returned before the hour ended therefore I am sending you somewhere where you nightmares will become reality". "But first we need to get you out of this world"

A blinding pain starts in my legs and I feel them go limp. Then my body. Then my arms. I scream. "HELP! PLEASE!". Jean then runs in and shouts "MARCO?! DON'T DIE AGAIN YOU BASTARD! GODDAMIT!". He then burst into tears and held my hand even though my eyes were still open. I then
felt my body drop.

The last thing I heard was the laugh of a demon....

The Afterlife of Marco BodtNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ