Chapter 4: Yuno Gasai

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"Ughh..." I say, exhausted. "What happened?". I get up and notice there is shards of glass all over the floor. There are tall caves all around me. I look ahead and all I can see is some kind of desert. But it's...


Where the hell am I?

"Hehehehe" a voice says. "Welcome to hell peasant". I see a person... no... Not a person... A demon.. standing in front of me. She has long pink hair and large pink eyes that glare down at me.

I look at her, for some reason she looks familiar...

"Who the hell are you?!" I ask. She replies."I am Yuno Gasai, and I decide whether or not you live or die". I just stand there, mouth wide open with no words coming out. "But because you belong to me, you will call me the Yandere Queen".

What the hell does Yandere mean? Is it demon language or something? Should I ask her?

"Umm..." I start. "What does Yandere mean?". "Well..." She says "I guess you could say it's your worst nightmare".

Oh god.... What do I do now?

She looks at me, with her large pink eyes. "I have a task for you, complete it and you live". She gives me an evil grin. "Fail and you die". I look back at her with fear in my eyes. "Um... what do you um... want me to do?".

She then gives me the most evil look I have ever seen and whispers to me. "I will send you back to the human world, but I'm not going to send you back in human form... I'm going to send you back in titan form and whilst your in that form you will have to kill every member of the survey corps... Including your beloved Jean Kirstein". The minute she says his name I stop dead in my tracks and just freeze, unable to move.

Oh no... I can't kill Jean, I love him way too much, but if it's the only way out then I'm gonna have to do it, but I am going to save Jean... I have to.

"Okay" I say. "I'll do it, but on one condition". "Go on" she replies. "I'll only do it if they never find out my identity".

She then walks up to me, puts a knife to my throat and whispers

"Good, we have a deal".


Seriously... Ugh these humans are such peasants. He actually fell for this stupid deal.

Hehehehehehe.... Everyone will know who he is and the love of his life will never be able to forgive him.

"So..." I say. "Are you ready to go to the human world?". He looks at me like a caged animal and then says "As ready as I'll ever be". "Okay" I say "I'll be right back".


I walk towards a table that had an array of glass bottles filled with different coloured liquids. I pick the purple looking one and then run back to him. "This should do just the trick". He takes the bottle out and starts to drink it.

"Oh!" I say. "One more thing before you go". I then walk up to him and smile "I hope your comrades have fun dying".

Then he disappears

Don't worry Marco Bodt, you will be back here shortly...

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