21 : Should I?

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I've been here in my room for how many weeks, since the announcement of the party. Idon't want to go out. I feel so weak. I feel in pain.



"Esther, I really love you.", I said to Esther.

"I don't love you, Lana", she straightly said it. She looks serious than usual.

"How can you say that, easily?", I asked.

"Because I really don't love you. Do you think I have the guts to say I love you too to you, if I really don't? I don't want to lie just to make you happy. I love Rain. ", she firmly said.



After that, I never talk to her again. I just locked myself here in my room.

I will choose to lock myself here than to see Esther following Rain all day, all night. Rain didn't even love her, so, why did she want that woman?

The world is unfair but people are more unfair. So unfair!!!




(At the Party)

I came early. And it's almost no one here. I looked around. In fairness, the design looks good.


I looked up for too long and I saw a high place. I want to go there. It's just... I think it will be good feeling in the higher place.

When I go up, I immediately sit. I waited for too long for the others to come. They move so slow, they didn't even looked beautiful and handsome.


Later on, I saw Rain and Esther sitting beside each other. Esther entertaining Rain. Like she's talking to her a lot, she's acting cute but not effective.

Rain... There's only girl that she's looking for, only girl that she will never hated to see even the girl pushed her to distanced herself. She's only crazy to one girl... It's Snow.

I stared at Rain. Why do you forced yourself to Snow, there's someone who really loves you. She's just sitting beside you, Rain! Try to look at her!!!

I said to myself through my mind.


So annoying!!


I saw that Esther became sad. Hay! She's beautiful but she just wasting her time to a woman that didn't even love her.


Why don't you choose me? Why can't you love me?


I feel so sad again. I know this feeling. No!

My heart slowly covered by sadness and pain. I feel so emotional again.


I looked at the railings beside me and I looked down.


I can't control myself. Before I knew it, I already did it.





Snow and I stops walking and looked at the place where the sound came from.

When Winter Comes || ENGVERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ