Your safe place

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Hi everyone

I put this story up for you. That's right. You.

I've seen a lot of bullying and harassment, and have been harassed myself. It's not just on this platform, but this is the world we live in. We all know that it's childish, immature, and unnecessary, yet it still happens.

I've been bullied for my strong messages on empowerment and I've been sexually harassed. It shouldn't matter what genre or subgenre we write, because that is our choice and we shouldn't be shamed for it. We shouldn't be ashamed of who we are or what we write.

I've had enough

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I've had enough.

So, I'm making a stand. I'm standing up against bullying and harassment.

If you have been bullied, harassed, torn down, or know someone who is going through it/has been through it, please stand together with me

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If you have been bullied, harassed, torn down, or know someone who is going through it/has been through it, please stand together with me.

How can we stand?

Simply share this story and comment on this page, be brave and share your story here, tag a friend to give them hope, whatever.

Use this page as your sounding board, your voice, and your platform to stand.

I'm inviting everyone - I mean everyone. The world is a big enough place for every single person of diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and preferences.

Let's take in the words of great authors like Maya Angelou.

I've got one request: no defamatory comments or name-calling; these will only bring you down to the same level as those who hurt you

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I've got one request: no defamatory comments or name-calling; these will only bring you down to the same level as those who hurt you.

What should I do if I'm being bullied or harassed? 

If you are being bullied or harassed on Wattpad, you have the option to Mute and Report a user.

To Mute a user, go to their profile and select the Mute button at the bottom of the right-hand column. More info:

Harassment and bullying are against the code of conduct guidelines and can be reported to Wattpad. To report a user, follow the prompts on Wattpad's safety portal:

If someone threatened you with violence, made you afraid for your safety, or said they'll do something that would hurt or humiliate you, you may also want to report it to the police. See the MediaSmarts article "Cyberbullying and the Law" for more information on your legal options:

What else can you do?

- Tell someone, you don't need to be alone.
- Don't fight fire with fire. Take the more mature approach.
- Remind yourself that it's not your fault. 

More info:

Let's stand together, show love, and respect for each other.

Do not be afraid.

If you ever need anyone, you've got one person here who already loves you (me :)) and plenty more

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If you ever need anyone, you've got one person here who already loves you (me :)) and plenty more. Hugs and love to you all.

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