Chapter 17

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Just as Amity had predicted, the Construction Coven was on the Hexside scene by that evening, and the school looked as good as new by Monday morning. For the better part of the week after the fire, a strange tension filled the hallways of Hexside as whispers were passed around the student body and the mental images of dark licking flames sat at the forefront of every student's mind.

Grom was that Saturday, but for a few days, the excitement surrounding it was passed up in favor of rumors about the fire. The two most popular that Amity heard included one that Boscha had started the fire with a rogue Grudgby shot (Boscha absolutely basked in these rumors, Amity noted) and one that twenty-three kids in total had died. She felt bad for thinking the way she did, but she was a bit relieved that Luz wasn't the center of the rumors. (Though if she were, they wouldn't be rumors, they'd be true.)

Only once Friday rolled around did Grom decorations start appearing in the hallways and the student population turned their attention to the truly important matter at hand. By the time Amity made it up to Hexside's front door on Friday morning, she'd already seen five elaborate Gromposals, three of which had ended in joyful tears from both parties. She was slightly regretful that she wouldn't be able to do the same for Luz, but the fact that she was going with Luz at all was all that mattered.

That was, if her plan for the morning actually succeeded.

She'd been putting it off all week out of nerves, but today was her last shot. As far as she knew Grom dates from outside Hexside were not permitted, so she needed to get Luz in as quickly as possible or risk going to Grom alone and having her dreams crushed. So, here she stood, heart pounding wildly as she reached a fist up to shakily knock on Bump's office door.

Centuries seemed to pass before there was an answer from within.

"Come in."

Amity pushed the door open. Bump was seated at his desk, papers and file folders scattered all around. He pointed to a chair across from him. "Sit."

Amity did as she was told. "I-"

"If you're here to tell me to cancel Grom just like the other twenty students that have stopped by for a visit this week, save it," Bump interrupted.

Amity hesitated. "I... wasn't here to talk about that, but okay. There are two students I'd like to talk to you about- well, one, I guess. The other hasn't been enrolled yet."

"Go on."

"My friend Willow Park," Amity began, feeling a bit odd finally referring to Willow as a friend, "is in the Abominations track with me right now but she really ought to be moved to Plants. She's an incredible plant witch, and she deserves to study what she loves and is good at."

Bump nodded. "That can be arranged, provided she comes in to request the switch personally. I have heard she's quite good with plants for someone who isn't actually studying them. And the other?"

Amity took a deep breath. She felt like asking about Luz was a huge risk- Luz had lit the entirety of Hexside on fire, and honestly, she wasn't sure if she would want a student who had done that running around a school she hypothetically was in charge of. Still, she had to try. Luz's biggest dream was to study magic. Amity had to play her part in helping her girlfriend. And we have to be Grom dates. "Luz, the human who-"

"I was scared you'd say that," Bump sighed.

Amity clamped her jaw shut. Maybe if you'd let me finish...

"I'm guessing you're going to ask for her admittance into Hexside despite the tragedy she caused. I don't know if you noticed, but I'm sure she told you, seeing as you two are very close friends... she cast a fire spell and it went awry, first catching the curtains and then spreading to the rest of the school faster than we could magically contain it. It's a wonder there were no casualties. According to reports from the Bonesborough Hospital, you were in the second-worst shape next to her- though can't say she didn't deserve that."

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