7. "All Blank Faces"

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It was a helpful distraction until it wasn't. Until Jeremy didn't feel guilty for leading me on and got into a relationship with Deidre. Ally is great, but I still consider her my best friend before anything else. Aside from the falseness on my part, Jeremy and Deidre have definitely caught onto what's going on between us two, though that's yet to be discussed. It's unusual to grasp Jeremy with Deidre, and I regret it, but maybe I'm just being protective of her?

A lot had happened since that night behind Delinquent City: A shooting star turned out to be a Dropship.

At first the trivial group I was with when I saw it was startled. It could be an authoritative figure from the ark and that meant things would quickly be changing, but it turned out to be a really cool brunette. Clarke had taken me along with Finn and her to the crashed ship.
The only problem was Raven was dating Finn before we landed on Earth and Clarke and Finn were definitely screwing. I almost tried beating the shit out of Bellamy when I learned that he jeopardized my mom and dad's lives by tossing Raven's radio into the river. She told us there was going to be a mass execution to prolong resources on the Ark. I had to help look for the radio, yadda, yadda, yadda. But Ally decided to help out for once so it made the strenuous activities a little easier to do.

I almost got blown up because I hadn't heard Raven's "fire in the hole!" before rocket fuel exploded by my leg. It's fine, though, I'm fine. We ended up sending rocket flares into the sky to signal to the Ark that we were alive. This turned out to be a clever idea.

When Octavia got lost, which was nerve-racking as hell, Ginger went along on Bellamy's search party. Naturally, nothing good comes from Bellamy's idea. When Grounders crashed his search party, a few more of us ended up dying. Well, they apparently persevered, but that's the last of the story I heard from Jeremy because he'd left Bellamy after that. He's not at fault for not wanting to go on a suicide mission. The rest was determined by the events that unfolded. When Octavia was brought back to Delinquent City, a Grounder was in Bell's possession as well. But Finn also looked pretty damaged when he entered the Dropship yesterday night and it turned out the Grounder wounded him. The same Grounder who'd held Octavia captive all that time. Well, the pitiful wound wasn't purely the knife's fault. Finn was also poisoned. Clarke was frantic and asked me to go, which I granted. I went back to my tent with Ally, who is now eighteen years old, and that brings us here.

When I recount the last few days' instances, I finally open my eyes. Well, my first kiss on the ground was achieved and followed by many more. Jeremy and Deidre still piss me off, though. My mind is cleansed of the drowsiness fog, and I become aware of my surroundings. My 'blanket' is over me and so is Ally's arm. I shift my head slightly to take in my sleeping friend for a moment. I would've never expected this in a million years. And though sometimes it feels so good, I know most of my feelings are platonic. I remember telling her about my feelings for Jeremy earlier that day. Either it slipped her mind or she didn't care. Either way, we would still end up in this position.

I gently move her arm off of my shoulder and wonder for a second how I'm suddenly capable of sleeping on my back now. I sit up and remember a few of last night's events and realize I didn't magically lose my tank top. It's next to me and so I easily snatch it and pull it over my head. I took a break that no one else had, and I need to be getting to the Dropship to find answers for Finn's sake. Bellamy had his fun, now it's my turn. Hopefully, I can be a little more humane.

"Leaving so soon?" She says below me.

"You were watching me," I claim softly. Ally's peaceful in a sleeping position on her side, only her eyes are open and looking back at me.

Her dirty blonde hair is sprawled over her face and the folded jacket below. It reminds me that the weather's cold so I seize the one I was sleeping on and pull my arms through it.

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