I wish I were Wilford...💚Slight angst with a happy ending💚(JJ x Anti)

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|Hey guys! Samuel here! This idea here is one of my own but the ship was requested by Hey_Gays_Its_Clo on that message I posted on my MB October 28th! And for all the others who requested a ship...Yes it will be used! I have many plans for them! But be ready...This ones kinda sad...And be warned it gets a bit dark! But it goes happy again so don't worry! But enjoy!|

"I still remember...Third of December...Me in your sweater...You said it looked better...On me, than it did you....Only if you knew...How much I liked you...But I watch your eyes, as he walks by...What a sight for sore eyes...Brighter than a blue sky...He's got you...Mesmerized...While I die.." Anti sang quietly in his room alone. He felt his heart break more as he looked at the picture of him and JJ in his hand. He sniffled a bit and looked at the shirt he had of JJ's. He gently picked it up and held his close, "Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty...You gave him your sweater...It's just polyester, but you like him better...Wish I were...Wilford..." He sang his voice cracking as he said the male's name.

Wilford....The male who took the love of his life...Anti growled a bit at the thought, "That prick..!" He hissed putting his fist threw the wall, "Watch as he stands with him holding your hand...Put your arm 'round his shoulder...Now I'm getting colder...But how could I hate him? He's such an angel...But then again, kinda..Wish he were dead, as he walks by...What a sight for sore eyes...Brighter than a blue sky...He's got you...Mesmerized...While I die..." Anti sang as he sniffled a bit, "Why JJ..." He whispered as he looked down, "Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty...You gave him your sweater...It's just polyester, but you like him better...I wish I were...Wilford..!" He sang as he collapsed to his knees holding his head, "Wish I were Wilford...Wish I were Wilford.." He sang quietly before stopping and sniffling, "....Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty...You gave him your sweater...It's just polyester...But you like him better...Wish I were..." Anti sang before breaking down and sobbing. It seems...He'd be crying himself to sleep again tonight...

Anti let out a groan as he woke up. His head was throbbing as he looked around. He heard loud laughing from down stairs and rolled his eyes. He got changed and made his way down stairs to the kitchen ignoring the laughs before he was called, "Anti! Come join us!" The voice called making Anti growl as that was the voice he hated, "No thanks...I'll pass.." He mumbled as he kept his back to...Wilford..., "Oh come on you party pooper!" Wilford said as Anti growled, "Fine..!" He snapped and made his way over flopping down on the ground by Jack's feet. In the room was; Mark, Dark, and Wilford then Jack, Anti and JJ. Anti found himself staring at JJ anytime the male laughed or giggled, 'I always loved when he smiled...' He thought as he bit his lip and looked down. He let out a breath and shook his head, 'It's gonna be a long day...' He thought again.


Anti groaned as he was once again dragged somewhere by Wilford and JJ. The six had all left the house to go have some fun because they all needed it. Anti didn't exactly want to but...He couldn't say no to JJ who had BEGGED him to go so here he was...Being dragged by the couple. He growled lowly as he put his hood up only to have it ripped down by Wilford, "Stop doing that, Pinky!" Anti snapped as Wilford laughed, "Oh come on! Lighten up, turtle!" He said before going to Mark leaving JJ with Anti, 'I'm sorry about him...' JJ signed as he looked at Anti who gave a soft smile and sigh, "It's fine, Jamie...It's not your fault.." He said gently patting the male's shoulder JJ blushing a bit at the nickname, '...You haven't called me that in a while...' He signed as Anti blushed, "O-Oh...Uh...Sorry...It just kinda slipped..." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck hearing JJ giggle, 'It's okay Antiybear.' He signed as Anti grinned at that before watching JJ skip off. He sighed and bit his lip, "God I love him sp much...." He whispered as he looked down.


Anti sighed as he flopped onto his bed, "Home at last..." He mumbled as he rolled onto his back. He smiled at the thought of all he did today...With JJ...He sighed happily, "God...Today was actually amazing..." He said before jumping as his phone buzzed. He raised a brow and grabbed it seeing it was a text from JJ,

JJ- Anti help! Please! Wilford's gone crazy and gotten out of hand! He's gonna kill me! Help please!

It read making Anti go wide eyed and answer quickly,

Anti- Find a hiding spot I'll be there soon!

JJ- I'm hidden in a closet...Please hurry I don't have much time...

And with that Anti bolted out of his room and out of the house. He took flight into the sky and chewed on his lip, "Please be okay, Jamie..." He whispered.


Anti had arrived at Wilford and JJ's place and it looked horrible...He stepped inside and everything was trashed as if they were robbed. He glanced around as he heard footsteps at the top of the stairs, "Well...Well...Well...If it isn't glitch bitch..." Wilford hissed and clenched his gun tightly as Anti gulped, "Wilford...Put the gun down.." He said as he put his hands up stepping forward before Wilford pointed the gun at him, "COME ANY CLOSER AND YOUR BLOOD WILL BE ON MY WALLS!!!" He screams as Anti jumps back quickly. He lets out a breath, "Wilford...Calm down...Okay...Everything is fine...What is going on..?" He asks as Wilford growls, "You! It's you! You're trying to take MY JJ from me! He's MINE!" Wilford shouted as Anti growled, "Oh shut up! You stole him from me!" He snapped as Wilford growled again, "BECAUSE HE LOVED ME!!" Wilford screamed as he held the gun up again as Anti put his hands up, "Wilford...Put your gun down...You're scaring JJ..." He said as Wilford glared at him before JJ peeked out shaking like a leaf. Anti saw him and sighed, "It's okay, Jamie....Calm down..." Anti said, calming as Wilford growled, "Don't call him that..." He hissed as Anti growled before using his powers to throw Wilford against the wall and knocking him out, "Come here, Jamie.." He said as the small male ran to Anti and clung to him, "It's gonna be okay..."

~Timeskip to a few weeks later~

Anti grins as he hugs JJ from behind, making the male squeak and look back at him glaring playful, 'Stop doing that!' He signed as Anti chuckled and kissed his cheek, "Okay...Okay. I'm sorry, Love." He said as JJ smiled and gently kissed him. After the whole Wilford thing...JJ opened up about what was really going on with the two. And Anti was ready to kill Wilford...Because he had been abusing JJ for never shutting up about Anti. And that night they all went out...Wilford finally flipped his lid and was ready to kill Anti. But JJ did his best to fight Wilford off so he wouldn't go and find Anti but Wilford almost killed him too so...He texted the only person he trusted...After it Wilford was taken to jail and Anti helped JJ get a restraining order against him. And after that...The two confessed feelings and just like that...They were happy. Anti was overjoyed as he finally has his Jamie in his arms. Anti hummed gently as he pulled back from the kiss, "I love you too..." He whispered to the smaller male, 'I love you too..' JJ signed as he looked up at Anti and from that point on...They never stopped loving each other.

|....I almost cried writing this ya'll- ;^;|

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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