Dad Gum Pt. 1

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"Though, yes, you can't control it properly yet, so starting tomorrow, we're gonna see how to fix that. We know just the guy."


Aizawa agreed to help Eri with Quirk control, everyday after school. And speaking of school, Inko found a good elementary school to enroll her in.

On her first day, she was a little nervous, but everyone in her class was friendly and treated her like a new sister. Best of all, they were big fans of her new family, known to them as the Vigilante squad Nova Virtute. So far, the most popular among the girls were 'Uravity', 'Anura', 'Deku' and 'Winter', while the boys favored 'Tsukuyomi', 'Hecate', 'Shigaraki Tomura'. But they all equally loved 'Dabi', 'Shinsou', 'Hirudo' and 'Twice'.

After her super fun second day of school, Eri had loads to tell the gang. What she and her new friends did today, what they discuss in class with and without the teachers, who her teachers are. Aizawa and the Midoriya brothers took turns picking her up from school.

On this particular day, it was nearly the end of Izuku's third year in middle school. They had had a talk about their future career plans during homeroom, but as the teacher had stated back then, it was obvious that everyone wanted to become Heroes.

Inside, Izuku was restless. He was craving the excitement he got as Deku, the Justice Vigilante, and he swore if his teacher ever said another word about future careers, he was going to scream.

"Sensei!" Kacchan's voice had silenced the whole room. "Don't lump us all in the same group. I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!"

The class had started protesting, the explosive boy barking "You all should shut up like the extras you are!" at them. The teacher had glanced at the clipboard in his hand before speaking up to the blond jerk.

"Oh, if I remember correctly, you want to go to Yuuei High, right, Bakugou?"

The class had started muttering and gossiping this time, making Katsuki jump onto his desk and start boasting. He was quickly silenced by the teacher continuing:

"Oh yeah, Midoriya, you wanted to go to Yuuei, too, right?"

Kacchan froze solid, and after a moment of silence, the whole class had started laughing at him, saying that it was impossible for some Quirkless loser like him to enter the most prestigious Hero school.

Bakugou blew up his desk and sent him against the wall. "Hey, Deku!" he growled. "You're below the rejects! You're Quirkless!" he shouted at the boy who had fallen on the floor while dodging the blast from the other one's palm.

After school, Bakugou confronted Izuku again after school, this time with his two lackeys behind him. He grabbed the notebook Izuku had been putting into his yellow backpack.

"Hero analysis for the future? Seriously? It's volume 13, too!" the lanky boy laughed.

"No way?" the other one cackled beside him, "He should give up already!"

Izuku hadn't paid any attention to them, or Kacchan rambling about how he wanted to be the only one from their mediocre middle school to ever attend UA High.

"Give it back!" he demanded from the blond boy, who grinned, suddenly blowing the notebook with his Quirk.

"Aa-ah, now I have to re-write it. Thanks a bunch, Kacchan." he sighed. "Give it back now."

Bakugou threw it out of the open window instead.

"Anyway, as I was saying..." the blond had gripped Izuku's shoulder firmly, heating his palms-not enough to set off another explosion-and burning the fabric of Izuku's school uniform a bit.

"Don't apply to Yuuei, you ****** nerd!"

"There's only one way for you little shit to become a hero," the explosive Pomeranian growled, pushing the green-haired kid away from himself and heading to the door. "You can always pray for a Quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof!"

His phone buzzed in his pocket. Taking it out, he saw that Uraraka had texted him.

UrRare-aka: Deku-kun! Are you there? I'm with Todoroki-kun, we're waiting for u on the rooftop.

Reflecting back to what Bakugou told him about the swan dive off the roof, an idea popped into Izuku's head.

Izuku ran to the stairs leading up to the roof and took off his shoes. They were these dull brown leather ones Tenko hated, so Izuku kept them until he could find a way of discarding them. This was the best opportunity.

Broccoli: I'm omw. Wait a little, I have to change into my outfit

Taking off his shoes, he laid them by the door with a note he had scribbled hastily for Bakugou to read. Then, he took from his backpack a pair of combat boots, the pair he always wore with his Vigilante outfit. Then he hid himself in the broom cupboard nearby to change into his bodysuit, hoodie, breather mask & armor.

When he emerged, he slung the belt from which hung two weapons---- a sakabatō & a flexible composite bow---- and stepped onto the rooftop.

Uraraka and Shouto were in their full costume, waiting for him, the latter in a white dress shirt with a duffel brown vest to go with it and a messy wig of black hair that had sideswept bangs covering his right eye, & the former in her pink and black full navy bodysuit and pink-glass helmet.

"Hey guys, look, Kacchan just told me a few hours ago that I should take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a Quirk in my next life, and since we're about to go after the sludge villain, I had an idea. I'd like to ask you guys a favor."

"We're listening." Shouto said. Izuku's heart hammered against his ribs.

"O-Okay..." he whispered his plan in their ears. Uraraka went blue with dread.

"I-I just got us here using my Quirk..."she sweatdropped before slapping her cheeks and declaring: "Okay, let's do this!"

The students of Aldera Middle school were about to leave the school grounds when they heard a familiar voice scream:

"This Justice Vigilante Deku is ready to perform safety gear-less lizard rappelling, Sergeant!"

They looked up to the roof and saw a figure in black leap off the edge and strike the pose of a lizard rappeller---- hanging upside down, an arm curled as if holding a rope, the other arm stretched out, the ankles locked.

And as anticipated, Bakugou was there to watch Deku actually leap off the roof and dive down towards the ground. And he was absolutely spooked!

The plan was to have Uraraka's Quirk levitate him, but slowly let him drop down. They've been practicing the process of a slow drop for weeks so she'd get over her nausea, and finally she nailed it.

Shouto went next: "This Cold-Hearted Vigilante: Winter is ready to perform safety gear-less sit-hip rappelling, Sergeant!" and he leapt off the roof edge in a sit-hip position facing forward, and kicked off the side of the wall, landing planted on the wall again with every bound.

This was another trick Uraraka had been practicing: controlling the levitated person's body even from a distance using vibrations in the air as strings. Nozomi liked to call it the 'Brotherswing' move.

Uraraka went last: "T-This Gentle Vigilante Uravity is ready to perform the run down rappel, safety gear-less version, Sergeant!" And she used her Quirk on herself to lighten herself so she bounced slightly as she ran down the wall.

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