Dad Gum Pt. 2

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Uraraka went last: "T-This Gentle Vigilante Uravity is ready to perform the run down rappel, safety gear-less version, Sergeant!" And she used her Quirk on herself to lighten herself so she bounced slightly as she ran down the wall.


They were laughing about their successful act when suddenly they heard sloshing around and the roar of flames and screams. Shouto, Uraraka and Izuku ran towards the scene of crime.

"Hey, it's our target!" Uraraka hissed under her breath.

"Hostage confirmed," Shouto added softly.

Izuku studied the hostage and recognized who it was. Why, who else would it be with the ash blonde hair and the glaring red eyes? 

"It's K-Kacchan!"

"The accurate heck?!" Shouto exclaimed.

"Damn! You're using a human hostage!" Death Arms growled. "Hey! I need backup!"

"I can't, I may get burned if I get close!" Kamui Woods backed away.

"I'm busy with the fire over here!" Backdraft called as he put the fire out.

"H-Hey..I can't do with narrow lanes, they're my weakness," Mt. Lady said.

"None of us had the right Quirk to do the job!" yelled Death Arms. "Kid, I'm afraid you're gonna have to hang in there!"

"Imbeciles. All of them." grumbled Izuku. Then, grabbing his bow and plucking an arrow from the quiver tied to his belt around his waist, he ran through the crowd towards the sludge, leaving a trail of yells for him to come back from the stunned civilians.

"D-Deku-kun..." Uraraka looked very nervous.

Izuku notched his arrow in place and took a carefully calculated aim at the monster's eyeball. The arrow whistled as it cut through the air and buried its head deep into the fleshy eyeball. Recoiling in pain, the sludge villain let go of Bakugou for a second, and Izuku chose that moment to grab him and throw him to the Heroes.

"W-What the----?!" Death Arms was knocked back when Bakugou bowled into him.

After shooting another arrow into the remaining eyeball, blinding the villain, Izuku straightened his flexible bow and slashed at it with the speed of light. When he finished, the sludge villain burst, splattering sewage everywhere. 

The finishing touch was a blast of ice from Shouto, freezing the globs of sludge in place. Izuku then proceeded to hack at the frozen slime with the sharp upper side of his sakabatō.

"W-What the heck?!" 

"Hey! I know those guys: they're Deku and Winter!" exclaimed a girl in the crowd. 

"As in those two Vigilantes from the Nova Virtute?" another said in disbelief. "But they look so young!"

"Even so, they're amazing, aren't they?!"

"Deku's so awesome! He's like the Vigilante version of All Might!"

"Winter?! Oh my God, he's so handsome, can I take a photo?"

"Just don't steal him from Deku, kay? Hahahaha, just kidding." (Deku and Winter low-key blushed).

The spectators began to clap and whistle and cheer for not the Heroes Backdraft, Death Arms, Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady, but for the Vigilantes Deku and Winter. Reporters of the scene flashed pictures of the two and began to ask them questions until Death Arms dragged them to the Heroes who were just kicked out of the spotlight.

"What the hell were you two thinking?!" he yelled.

"You could've been killed!" Kamui Woods berated Izuku.

"Didn't you see these?" snapped Izuku, motioning to his bow and sakabatō. "Of course we wouldn't fight without these!"

"But still, you shouldn't be rushing into danger like that!" Backdraft scolded.

"Wait, they're Vigilantes. Shouldn't we be arresting them?" Mt. Lady pointed out. That caused an uproar of 'boo!'s and protests on their behalf from the spectators.

"Step off, Heroes," Shouto protectively shielded Izuku, a dangerous glare dancing in his brown eye. Sweating, the Heroes took a step back simultaneously.

"Look, kids, next time, leave the crimes to the pro Heroes. It's their job."

"Their job. That's what this is to you, isn't it? Just a job?" Izuku was angry. "This is a responsibility, there's a difference between that and a job! A Hero is supposed to keep people safe. That's the responsibility! And you practically FAILED that!" 

The Heroes were affronted. A string of roasting 'oooooh!'s went up from the crowd.

Izuku huffed and left. Shouto sent a glare at them, 70% of it aimed at Mt. Lady and Death Arms, and followed him.

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