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(Author's Note: Sorry I'm too lazy to write the events of Midoriya+Uraraka vs Iida+Bakubro 😅, so this next scene will take place in the monitor room)

Shouto was worried. His dear Izuku was going up against his grade A a-hole of a childhood bully. What could happen? What if Izuku ended up hurt?

His fists clenched at the mere thought of it.

Beautiful, kind, funny, amazing Midoriya Izuku, who was always there for him the same way Touya was, who deserved to be a Hero more than anyone else in this room, including himself, who saved him from plunging into deep despair over his Quirk.

You're fighting yourself. It's not his power; it's yours. It's okay for you to become who you want to be.

He watched in agony as Bakugou chased Izuku to a room and began launching punches and blasts at him. The Quirkless hero student dodged the blocks with precision, leaping and ducking beneath the bursts of ignited nitroglycerin. Inside he was aching to run out of the monitor room and onto the battle zone and freeze the explosive boy into a glacier anything to protect Izuku-----

“Damn Deku! Don't dodge!” yelled Bakugou.

Izuku flew back, crouching low. The others didn't notice, but Shouto did: he reached into his boot and pulled out a stun grenade, uncapping the trigger and hurling it in Bakugou's face.

Bakugou recoiled, clapping a hand over his ears. In that carefully calculated amount of time, Izuku ran past him and jumped through the window, glass crashing from the impact. Taking out an anchor line gun, he aimed it a few inches away from the fifth floor window. A sharp snap told him that the anchor was secure, and the springy line bounced, flinging his body upwards.

Shouto sighed in relief. He's safe. No harm done.

Uraraka had managed to locate Iida during the standoff fight and distracted the armored brother of Ingenium by charging at him head-on, Izuku approaching at the same time. Iida blocked a blow from Izuku's sakabatō, only to get kicked in the chin, falling backwards. Uraraka touched his body with her five fingers, making him levitate, then secured him with the capture tape while Izuku touched the bomb as a sign of recovery.

“HERO TEAM WINS!” yelled All Might.

Shouto couldn't help but smile proudly as Izuku and Uraraka emerged from the building, unscathed, Iida beside them, smiling and talking of the results of their performance----

A huge detonation destroyed the building from the inside. Shouto's eyes widened in horror when he saw Izuku race behind Iida and Uraraka, pushing them out of the way.


Shouto's left side nearly burst into flames when he saw the Quirkless green-haired boy on the ground, a raw pale reddish burn blooming between his shoulder blades.

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