When We're Heroes (And We're Gonna Be) 1

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Shinsou, Toga, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Shouto, Izuku, Tokoyami, and Nozomi walked to Yuuei side by side. Yuuei was a good distance away from the cafe and the Lebedev's penthouse, so they opted to travel through the Dark Shore that Nozomi had full access to to get there.

All of them were excited, of course. Toga kept greeting anonymous students they passed, complimenting them, Shouto was a little jittery, and Nozomi had to fix Izuku's tie as he was an amateur at tying them.

After parting ways with Shinsou, Nozomi and Toga, Izuku, Shouto, Tokoyami, Uraraka and Tsuyu left for Class 1-A.

The first thing they saw when they stepped into the classroom was Bakugou Katsuki being scolded by a muscular spectacled boy with bluish hair and car engines in his calves for propping his feet on his desk.

"Hi there!" a floating girl's uniform greeted them. "My name's Hagakure Toru! You may not see me, but I hope that doesn't stop us from becoming good friends."

"Hi, I'm Uraraka Ochako, these are my friends Asui Tsuyu, Todoroki Shouto, Tokoyami Fumikage and Midoriya Izuku."

Following Hagakure, the five young vigilantes-in-disguise made their way to their own seats. Midoriya, unfortunately, sat behind Bakugou, a good distance away from Shouto, who sat at the back of the room with a tall girl of queenly beauty with black hair in an untamed ponytail. Said girl approached the new arrivals and asked to know their Quirks.

When she asked Izuku, he smirked: "Don't have one. Don't need one."

In fact, the whole class heard that.

"NO QUIRK?!" they exclaimed.


"If you're Quirkless, then how did you get in to Yuuei?" asked a curious blonde with a black lightning bolt in his hair. "Recommendations?"

"Actually, yes."

"That's so manly!" a shark-toothed redhead smiled. "If you got to Yuuei Quirkless, I bet you're still as strong as someone with a Quirk!"

"You must be, like, the first ever Quirkless student in the history of Yuuei." a girl with short black hair and earphone jacks dangling from her earlobes suggested.

"You who are still standing, sit your ***** down." a gruffy, tired voice carried from the door, alerting everyone.

Uraraka, Hagakure, and couple of other students still not in their seats scrambled to the free seats in a hurry. The owner of the voice revealed to be just as scruffy and tired as his voice has hinted, a slender, pale man with shaggy shoulder-length black hair partially falling over his eyes. He was clad in black from head to toe with a long, grey scarf wrapped around his neck and shoulders, carrying a bright yellow sleeping bag under his arm.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Nice to meet you."


What Aizawa-sensei made them to do was a simple physical fitness tests everyone had done in middle school. What was different now was that the students were all allowed to use their Quirks.

Some of his classmates voiced concern about him, but Izuku knew they need not worry about him just because he's Quirkless. All his training with Alexei and at Dagobah beach wasn't for nothing.

When he raced against Bakugou in the 50-meter dash, he beat him by a narrow 2 seconds. (Of course, Lord Explosion Murder wasn't so happy about a Quirkless 'extra' beating him.) In repeated side-steps, he closed fourth place. When he threw a softball with the most powerful underhand volleyball serve he could muster with a concentrated 5% of his body strength, the distance it covered was 607.9 meters.

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