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every day is a beginning . take a deep breath , smile and start again .

having a bad temper is damn hard to deal . bukan tak boleh sabar , we are just easily annoyed of everything . appreciate them once they start sabar dengan you . they're trying their best to control their anger , just for you . 🐝🐤

applaud a guy who is all about their girl & not embarrassing her by fuck with these hoes , y'all are very rare man. On me y'all deserve it all . 😊 🐝

jodoh itu unik . seringkali yang dikejar - kejar menjauh . yang tak sengaja mendekat . Allah itu Maha Adil . dia telah mengatur perjalanan yang jauh lebih indah dari apa yang kita rancang . percaya saja . tuhan menggenggam semua doa . lalu dilepaskanNya satu persatu di saat yang paling tepat .🍁🌸

12:58 pm

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