Saturday: A Hangover Potion, Tattoo and Instant Love.

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Sophie's P.O.V.

I woke with the biggest pounding headache I've ever had, followed by nausea.

I sat bolt upright, eyes widened, the sun piercing them and increasing my hangover even more.

I threw the covers off of my bed and rushed towards my toilet, only just reaching it in time before I emptied my guts into the toilet bowl, not even bothering to pull my hair out of the way.

I heard some movement from my bedroom, and assumed it was Remma.

She walked in and collected my hair in her hands, away from my face whilst I threw up.

Forty minutes later, I had finished emptying my stomach due to last night, which I had very little memory of, I flushed the toilet and stood up, by the help of Remma.

I turned around, closing my eyes and rubbing my face tiredly.

"Thanks so much, Remma. It appears I went a little too wild last night." I lightly chuckled, then opened my eyes seeing a different figure than Remma. My eyes adjusted to the light to see the one and only Skrillex pulling his jeans on.

All the memories came flooding back and I blushed ruby red.

"Er...I mean Sonny. Sorry." I apologised, completely embarrassed.

He chuckled. "It's fine." He said. His eyes then trailed down my body, and I realised I was only wearing an oversized t-shirt and underpants, along with my bra from last night.

"I figured it wouldn't be comfortable for you to go to sleep in jeans and a tank top, so I found an old over-sized t-shirt and helped you get dressed." He explained.

"Oh. Thanks." I said nodding.

There was a silence and then he came towards me.

He kissed me softly on the lips, I responded by kissing him back the same way, and then he pulled back, grabbed his black converse and jacket off the floor and walked towards the door.

"I have to go and do some work, I would love to spend some more time with you though. I'll text you. See you later, sweet Jay." Was his final words before leaving the room, leaving me standing frozen in my bedroom.


After standing there for twenty minutes, I shuffled towards the bathroom and took a shower, washing the vomit out of my hair. I then brushed my teeth and walked out, deciding to wear a navy blue dress that went two inches above my knee, the bottom part of the dress covered in lace, and the sleeves of the dress in lace as well. I brushed my hair and decided to leave it out, to hide from the sun a little.

I matched it with dark blue flats, and walked downstairs for breakfast, my head still aching from last night.

Remma stood in the kitchen in front of a buzzing blender.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Commented Remma, stopping the blender and removing the lid, pouring the slime green mud into five tall glasses.

"Urg." Was all I could say, rubbing my forehead.

Remma just laughed, then winced rubbing her temples.

She slid a glass of the green gunk over to me.

"Hangover cure. Drink up." She said, gulping down her own glass of the stuff.

I sniffed it, then wrinkled my nose in disgust.

I looked at Remma, and she just raised her eyebrows and shrugged.

I sighed and took a deep breath, before devouring the green slime, which actually tasted good.

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