Lucifer x Depressed Reader 🖤(vent)

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I- okay listen, yeah I suck but you've all stuck around for some random ass reason which makes me happy. I'm sorry I have to dump all this garbage out but rn I just need to vent. Sorry about that, hopefully soon I'll get back into the writing mood. I think I remember leaving off with Levi being almost done.

TW: Self Harm.


The stress was beginning to set in. My grades weren't looking fantastic right now and I needed to try harder. I told myself this dozens of times but I just couldn't, I couldn't do it. I don't remember how exactly I got to this point where I'm hiding behind a locked bathroom door and crying my eyes out. All I remember was giving up on homework and just crying.

I was so lost, I wasn't one to cry easily, hell I didn't even feel emotions half the time. For the most part I was just in 3 moods and never felt any of the important ones. But I was in my lowest point ever. The constant words of my parents began to ring through my ears.

"Why can't you do anything right, such a disappointment, you aren't trying hard enough, your pathetic, why couldn't you be more like them." It was all I heard.

Then a sudden urge hit me, I had a razor blade. I knew it was bad, I shouldn't do it, I shouldn't do this to myself. But I couldn't resist the urge. I opened the drawer in the bathroom and searched for the blade until it was found. I stared at the blade for a moment, I found it hard to believe I was going to do this to myself.

I carefully placed the blade on my thigh, and dragged it across the skin quickly and lightly. The blood was beginning to show up, it wasn't enough to spill over my legs, but it still showed and slightly hurt.

Strangely enough, it didn't feel half as bad as I expected, it was a different feeling. I made a few more quick cuts, then put the blade away, I didn't want to over do the cuts or people would notice, that was the last thing I wanted to happen.

I grabbed a towel and placed it under the faucet and turned the water on, then put the towel on the cut skin, soaking the blood up. If it didn't feel bad earlier it definitely felt bad now because of the stinging. But I had to do what I had to.


I had noticed that Y/N wasn't at the dinner table as I walked into the dining room. I checked my D.D.D to make sure she saw that dinner was ready, she didn't.

I decided I should take myself up to her room to check on her, if I put that job onto Mammon he would break down her door in a panic, we had spent enough on house repairs as is.

I walked through the kitchen and to Y/N's room, I lightly knocked on the door at first, expecting to hear a "come in." Yet no response. I knocked again, quite a bit louder for her to hear, still nothing. I attempted to open the door but it was locked. I quickly used an unlocking spell and opened the door, she was nowhere to be found in her room. I almost left the room, quickly going to scavenge for her before I realized that her bathroom light was on.


I heard a knock on the door and nearly fell over, I quickly tried to wipe away the blood and to hide the cuts, throwing the towel into a laundry basket, yet when I looked down at my thighs the cuts were still bleeding. I quickly placed my shorts over the cuts, the pain was not fun but I couldn't risk getting caught.

"Y/N? Are you in there?" I heard Lucifer ask.
"Yep! Do you need something Lucifer?" I said, trying to sound as normal and as happy as possible.
"Are you okay? Dinner is ready and you haven't checked your D.D.D."
"Oh I'm sorry! It died! Yep I'm fine and I'll be out in a moment!" I called out, pushing on the cuts.
"Okay then, be quick before Beelzebub eats everything." Lucifer said, I heard him leave the room.

I opened the door and saw Lucifer.


I knew there was something wrong, I couldn't just leave her alone in the bathroom. I made footsteps to sound like I had left the room, but I had stood next to her bed and waited patiently for her to walk out of her bathroom.

She stepped out, blood showing through her shorts, she was obviously trying to hide it.

"Y/N? What happened? Why are you bleeding?" I instantly jumped to question her.

"I- um, I was- I got into an accident..." She said, looking nervous as nervous gets.

"Let me look at the wounds, I can patch them easily."
"N-No! I mean- I can take care of them myself." My suspicions raised instantly.

"Y/N, let me see the wounds." I said, demanding to know what happening.

She slowly lifted her shorts up, high enough for me to see the cuts she was guiltily hiding. I instantly understood, she had cut herself.

"Y/N? What? Why would you do this to yourself? What were you thinking?" I asked, not trying to make her feel bad but to get answers.

Y/N immediately broke out into sobs, I held her close to me, letting her cry into my shoulder until she was ready to talk.

"I, I just feel so stressed, I feel worthless, I'm such a disappointment. How can you boys like somebody like me? Somebody who is such a disappointment and sad person." She hiccuped, wiping her tears away.

"Y/N, don't say that about yourself, you are not a disappointment and I'm proud of you for trying to talk to me. But I want you to talk to me more often, I don't want you to hurt yourself again. Okay?" I whispered to her, she nodded.

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