Chapter 1

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It was over. Me and Mythra were running to the escape pods with everyone else when suddenly a portal opened up under our feet and we fell on the ground in an alleyway.

"Ow... What happened?" I asked, standing up. "I dont know, but I dont think we're on Alrest anymore." Mythra responds. "Not on Alrest... Where are we then?" I ask. "I don't know, and neither does Pyra." Mythra responds. I walk out of the alleyway along with Mythra. Immediately a guy was thrown past us. "-After him?" I hear a girl in red say to what looks to be a shopkeeper. The shopkeeper nods. "Wherever we are, looks like we dont get to rest for long. Come on, let's follow the girl." I say. Mythra nods and we start to follow her onto a rooftop. "What's going on here?" I ask, coming up from behind her. "A robber robbed that store and I chased him." The girl says. "Alright, is that the guy?" I ask, pointing to the guy boarding a weird titanless airship. A woman appears behind us and another woman replaces the guy boarding the ship. The two fight from afar as I watch and just try to figuire things out.

Later, the blonde woman who appeared earlier brought us into a room with a grey haired man in it. "Where did you learn to fight like that?" The man asks Red. "My uncle taught me." She says. "Interesting. And you?" He asks me and Mythra. "What about us? I followed the girl and stayed back to figuire out the situation." I respond truthfully. "I mean, where did you come from? You are in none of our databases." The man restates. "We are from a world called Alrest, and by the lack of titans and the portal that brought us here, this clearly isnt Alrest. Where are we?" Mythra asks, a bit rudely. "Interesting. We call our world Remnant." The man says.

Author magic brings you a timeskip.

The man who's name is Ozpin explained to me and Mythra the basics of this world and let us join his school, and I explained mine and Pyra/Mythra's bond. Now we were getting ready for initiation. Mythra switched with Pyra to rest for a bit. "So how are we getting down?" A blonde boy asks. "You will be using your own landing strategy." I hear Ozpin respond faintly, as I was the first one to get launched. Next was Pyra, who ended up next to me in the air. "This world is certainly interesting." I yell as we start to descend. Pyra nods in agreement as I landed in a roll and Pyra slowed herself mid air and landed next to me.

"Alright, so I guess we just head to the ruins a bit that way." I say, pointing in the direction of the ruins. "Well, that is what Ozpin said to do." Pyra says as we begin to walk. We walked for a few minutes until we heard a growl. "What was that?" I ask. "It might have been one of the Grimm Ozpin was talking about." Pyra says.

Another author magic timeskip

After a few encounters with the 'Grimm' we were at the temple ruins. Me and Pyra walked up to the golden Rook peices. "I guess Chess is universal." Pyra jokes. "I guess so." I respond with a small chuckle. After a few minutes all the other students arrived in various ways and we all introduced ourselves to eachother, until a giant bird Grimm appeared and the girl in red who's name was Ruby, got stuck on a feather. "Pyra, up for a bit more of a challange?" I ask, as her sword materialized in my hand. From looking at it, you would think that it would be incredibly heavy and unwieldy, but it actually isnt. Anyway, I rush forward and slice the feather in half, freeing Ruby, then as the Grimm launched more I jumped on each and up to the Grimm then sliced its head off with ease. Now my only problem was falling. Before, I was able to change my momentum into a roll, but now I'm falling straight down. Just before I hit the ground, Pyra switched with Mythra and Mythra caught me.

"Idiot." Mythra mutters as she drops me down on the ground. "Eh, it's dead and I'm not so all's good." I respond with a shrug as I stood up. "Wait, weren't you just a red haired girl?" Ruby asks, confusion clear in her voice. Mythra switches back with Pyra. "That was Mythra, think of me as her other half." Pyra says. "Wouldnt it be shes your other half?" Weiss asks. "No, Mythra was the original but that's a story for after initiation." Pyra responds.

Third author magic timeskip

The rest of initiation went smoothly, and now we were on a stage getting put into teams. "-And now, William Sparrow and Mythra will be team Aegis." Ozpin says. Mythra was out now, as Pyra wanted some time to rest. After a few more minutes we got to our dorms, which was next to team RWBY's dorm. "Its been an interesting day." I say, sitting on my bed. "It h-" Mythra was cut off by a knock at the door. I got up to answer the door and was immediately tackled by a blur of petals. "THATWASSOCOOLISTHATSWORDYOURWEAPON?HOWDOYOUHOLDIT?!YOUMUSTBEAOSTRONG!" Ruby yelled all at once. Mythra got up and sighed, picking Ruby up by her hood to get her off me. "Thanks. And to answer your questions, the sword is OUR weapon, and it's not all that heavy." I respond, putting emphasis on the our as I looked at Mythra who was setting Ruby down. "To put it more accurately, I am his weapon. He is my Driver, and I'm his Blade." Mythra explains. As I stood up I swear I heard Yang say something about her not minding me being her driver, but I ignored it. "That's one way to put it." I say. "How does that work?" Blake asks. "Alright, well, to explain this, first know we come from a different world, o-" "So your aliens?" "No. Yes. I dont know, its confusing. Anyways, on our world we have these things called Core Crystal's, like the one on Mythras chest. These Crystal's are the Core of a Blade, and when a person touches a core crystal, three things can happen, 1, they can get seriously injured in ways we dont understand, or 2, nothing can happen, or 3, the person bonds with the crystal, which creates a blade. When a Blade is created, the person they bond with becomes their Drivers. The Driver can then call upon their Blade to fight, and the blades weapon will appear in their drivers hand. And while it doesnt happen often, Blades can fight with their own weapons, but most of the time they just supply their Drivers with Ether, which powers our abilities and kind of shields us from minor harm." I explain. "So ether is basicly Aura, and blades are their weapons." Weiss says, to which me and Mythra nod. "Alright, I think we need some time to think about this." Weiss says, dragging her teammates with her back to their dorm. "This will be an interesting stay." I say, sitting on my bed again. Mythra switches with Pyra and sits next to me. She lays her head on my shoulder. "Well, we'll go through this together." Pyra says. "Yep."

Sparrow king out.

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