Chapter 2: Sword of Void?

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I yelped, 'Ahhhh what can that loud crash be?' My sister, Anna, rushed into my room frantically and yelled, "What the hell was that?" I instantly whispered in fear, "I don't know, let's check it out." My sister being only 7 with my light brown hair, and shivering green eyes, started crying, "Mom and Dad are not even home. Why did they have to go to the Council party today?!" I went to my sister and cleaned her up.

After, we quietly started to usher ourselves to our humongous backyard. We reached there and peaked out while sliding our velvet green curtains slowly. Then, we saw a colossal cube blazing with light, sea blue fire. It had strange markings on it like 'Το ξίφος του κενού'. We just sat there quietly with pin-drop silence thinking, "What is that? Is it an alien spaceship? No that can't be." Then she started wailing again, interrupting my thoughts. I told her with an awful lot of seriousness, "Stay here while I go check that big piece of space junk out." My sister instantly started to laugh hysterically. While I approached the 'big piece of space junk', I thought, "What in the world can that be?" As I got closer, I touched the cube and then yelled in pain, "Darn that's blazing hot!"

Then the cube opened and a mystical, but deep and ancient voice spilled out, "You Zenith Lightstone has been chosen to wield the Sword of Void to defeat the evil that is to arise and for you young Anna, shall be given the Sword Of X-Nes." With that we both fainted. I then woke up suddenly and yelled, "Sis where are you?" She weakly replied, "Here." I got up and saw a shiny bright yellow-gold ring with a dark universe black ruby attached on the top. It was on my finger snuggled tightly. I thought, "I'll deal with that later. First let me get to my sister". When I reached there I saw my sister with a similar ring but with a light forest green ruby. I asked her, "Are you ok?" Anna replied, "Yes brother." Then I uttered, "Sword of Void". Then a dark black sword appeared in my hand. It had a gold handle and an immensely dark blue upper. It also had intricate designs on the top. It had the same ruby stuck in the middle wanting to go to action. My sister said surprised, "How did you do that?" I just shrugged. Then she tried it, with her Sword Of X-Nes. It was the exact same thing, but with her ruby of course.

 Hey guys shoutouts in the next chapter. I am almost done typing it up. I decided to do small chaps to grow suspense. Thanks and bye!!!!!!!

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