Chapter 4

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Ceva enchanted, " I shall embed my powers from my jewel of heart thus wielding its power indefinite(ly)!" Me and Anna both repeated the lines and almost instantly felt raw power coursing through our veins. Then we both fell down due to an intense amount of pain and then everything darkened. After what seemed like hours, I woke up and felt a throbbing pain in my forehead. When I looked around I was in an unknown place or room I should say. It was majestic. There were bright red velvet carpets and a giant king sized bed with white blankets draped over. Then I snapped out of my trance and thought, "Where in the world is Anna?" Then I looked beside me and saw her sleeping next to me peacefully. After a mental debate I decided not to break her sleep. I then opened the door and froze. It was as beautiful as heaven. I drowned in a sea of awe. Just then Ceva and Beyta popped out with something in their hand, it's aroma smelt like cheese pizza. "Ymmm" I thought. They sacked, "Here is some food for you to eat and then meet me down the hall in twenty minutes" "Sure. But one question." "Yes..." "Will this quest be dangerous?" "Of Course, my boy. It is a matter of life and death for the whole universe! " Just then Anna opened the door and saw the cheese pizza. She immediately devoured half of it. Then I stopped her and said, "Come on you food assassin. Give me some of that marvelous pizza." After two hours we had devised a plan. The Chaotic Army would rush in and distract all forces. Then me and Anna would go kill Aeos who had reached this realm. I thought panicky, "Oh no, Aeos is here already!" As if reading my mind, Byta said sadly, "Yes Zenith. Aeos has arrived. The good news is that we are receiving help from the Págos Realm." "What is the Pagos realm?' I frowned. Ceva casually said, "The Ice realm. Remember boy, Greek is our primary language. So learn it" I replied shyly, "Um when exactly?" He ignored me and gestured to us to come inside in their teleporter. When he clicked the button, I felt as if I was disintegrating. I felt as nauseous seeing someone eating cockroaches while I myself was eating pizza. My sister yelled, "O my God, what is this!?" I replied rushedly, "Trust me. I have NO IDEA!!" Just then, as if it had been preplanned, everything stopped moving and we were in the middle of the throne room.  Bye!!!!!!!!!!!

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