Chapter 5

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Harry/Marcel's P.O.V.

When we arrived in London it was a little after 3 pm. I took a quick nap on the car ride. I was honestly feeling like shit. After getting beaten up and spending my whole morning hiding in the bathroom I only wanted this day to end and go back to my bed.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Paul pulled up in front of the studio where the interview was going to take place.

I looked outside there were paparazzi with their cameras ready to take the best shots. there were also some fans too. I sighed. Paul got out of the car and opened my door for me.

I was too tired and exhausted by this. I was still wearing my beanie and my glasses. Thankfully the glasses covered most of the bruise. I walked into the building Paul guiding and keeping the paparazzi away from me.

They took me into the dressing and makeup room. I sat down on yo the sofa. There were about 2 hours until the interview started and I honestly didn't want to get up.

After laying down and going through my phone for 10 minutes Louise came into the room.

"Hi, Harry," she said. She was organizing the counter the haşr and makeup products were sitting.

"Hey Louise" I replied. she gave me a glance and her eyes fell on my face probably looking at the nasty bruise.

"What happened harry that bruise doesn't look pretty good," she said. I tensed a little but said."I accidentally ran into a door but I'm okay now"

"But it doesn't look okay, come here let me try to cover it," she said smiling.

I was really relieved that she bought it. I got up from my seat and sat down on the makeup chair.

She put some concealer on I think? I don't really know what does products were honestly. The once nasty bruise has nearly vanished. Then she worked little on my hair but I still decided to keep my gray beanie on.

when the interview time came close they took me into the studio. The interviewer was already there I walked up to her to introduce myself. She was sitting in her chair in front of the camera looking at her papers.

"Hi love," I said raising my hand for her to shook it. She looked up and gave me a smile and introduced herself and shook my hand. Her name was Kate. she looked like a lovely girl and I would like to talk to her but I wasn't really feeling it right now.

So İ sat down on my seat in front of the camera. The chair was pretty uncomfy and I was only hoping that this interview will be over soon.

They were starting the interview I put on a fake smile.

"Hi Harry, thank you for coming here," she said smiling.

"I'm happy to be here, thanks for having me," I said.

"so you are going to have a concert in London 2 weeks later can you talk about that?"

"yeah I'm really excited about it hmm ı hope everyone will enjoy the show, there are still tickets available so if you haven't bought your tickets you can get one," I said with my classic smile with my dimples shoving. I always liked to use interviews as promoting things.

"that's great," she said and changed his cards in her hands

"You have seen with Kendall Jenner a couple of weeks ago, there are rumors that you two are dating can you confirm that ?" she asked.

I let out a little frustrated sigh.

Simon and his management had done a pr stunt a couple of weeks ago. He had to meet Kendall and seen in a coffee shop. Of course, that made some rumors to boil and that was exactly what his management had planned.

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