𝟼𝟸. 𝚔𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚎'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

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Kylie's POV

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Kylie's POV

"I'm finally done cooking you both can eat now." I walked through the kitchen and into the living room to see the Juliet and Stormi crying whileblooking at the TV. "What is it?" I looked at them confused. I looked at the TV to see a news anchor talking about a car crash and raised an eyebrow. "Justin Bieber was driving when a semi truck suddenly cut him off. When he hit his brakes the cars behind him crashed into one another while he hit the side of the semi truck... the car behind him also hit the rear of his vehicle causing the car to almost fold up together. Luckily for them it didn't but by the time the paramedics got there him and Jasmine Bieber were in critical condition." The woman said and I dropped the plates in my hand causing them to break.

"Stormi Juliet get your stuff." I said as I walked around trying to find my phone and purse. "Mommy are they ok?" Stormi asked. "I don't know." I saw my phone and grabbed it looking at all the messages and calls from our family and friends. I pressed my mom's name since it was the first important person I could think of and grabbed my purse. "Do you not know how to answer your phone?!" She shouted when she answered.

"I wasn't near it... I just saw the news what's happening." I grabbed my car keys. "Auntie I want my mommy." Juliet cried. "We are going to her I promise. Go help Stormi and bring her with you to my car." I said. "Justin is getting surgery and they haven't told me anything about Jasmine." My mom said. "The rest of your sisters are here already." She said. "Scooter, Alison, Yael, Ryan, and a few other people are coming as well so I need you to get here like now." She said. "How is paparazzi?" I asked while walking out the front door with Stormi and Juliet following me. "It's pretty bad but they will let you go through the ambulance entrance since it's blocked off for just the ambulance but the nurses said they don't want us to struggle to get in." She said.

"I'll be there in five minutes." I hanged up before getting in my car and buckling my seatbelt. "Here Juliet." I handed her my phone. "Thank you." She sniffled. "They are ok Juliet I promise." I looked at her and started the car. "You can't promise me that." She said. I frowned and drove out the driveway and once the gate opened I drove straight to the hospital I occasionally looking back at Juliet and Stormi who had the saddest looks on their faces but they were still looking at whatever it was on my phone but it just seemed like they didn't have that much interest in it.

After about a five minute car ride I got to the hospital and went the way my mom told me. Her bodyguard opened my door when I parked and when I got out he got in himself. "Come on." I picked up Stormi while Juliet grabbed their stuff and walked beside me. "Give me one of the bags Juliet." I held my hand out. "Here." She handed me her bag. "Just give me the other one too." I said and she handed me Stormi's bag along with my phone. "Are we going to see my mommy?" She asked. "Not yet but soon." I said.

"I want to see my mommy." Juliet pouted. "You can't Juliet I'm sorry." I said as we walked inside. "But mommy has a baby and I need to make sure she's ok." She whined. "Juliet honey she's ok I promise just please bare with me." I looked at her. "Can I have candy?" She asked. "When we sit down." I said. "Finally."
Kim stood up and walked towards us. "Juliet." My mom hugged Juliet.


Three hours later

"Justin and Jasmine Bieber's family." A doctor walked up to us looking at her papers and we all stood up. "Oh wow." The doctor looked at her papers then at us. "Ok so Justin.... is out of surgery and he's responsive." The doctor said then looked back her papers. " Jasmine.... and the baby are fine surprisingly. We were able to get out the piece of glass that was entered Jasmine's side without hurting the baby or Jasmine. Her surgery is almost finished we just had to do a couple stitches on her head but she should be fine. You all can see Justin but please don't stress him out or make him mad he needs to be calm right now. His room is down the hallway on the left I will come back when Jasmine is out of surgery." The doctor said and walked off.

"Come on Juliet." I stood up. "Are you taking me to see my daddy?" Juliet wiped her face and stood up. "Yes." I grabbed her hand. "Ok." She mumbled before wiping her face again. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yes I just don't want daddy to see me cry. He said that I'm not allowed to." She said. "Why would he say that?" I asked. "It's a long story." She laughed. "I'm pretty sure it is." I laughed. "Hold on I'm coming with." Kim walked with us down the hallway and Juliet squealed when we got closer to Justin's room.

"Daddy!" Juliet let go of my hand and ran into Justin's room straight towards him. "Princess." He smiled and helped her into the bed. "I was so scared." She laid her head on his chest. "I know." He closed his eyes and rubbed her head. "But when me and mommy are out of here we will take you wherever you want and do whatever you want." He kissed the top of her head and Juliet smiled. "I love you." She hugged Justin and kissed his cheek. "I love you too." He laughed.

"They are so cute." Kim smiled. "He's so good with her I'm kinda surprised." I said. "Why be surprised? We all knew Justin was going to be a good dad." She said. "I'm just surprised at how good he is I guess. Travis is good with Stormi but not that good." I said. "Everybody has different parenting styles or ways they show affection." She said. "True."I looked at her.

"I think I'm going to move out after the baby comes." I mumbled after a few seconds. "What? Why?" She asked. "I kinda have a boyfriend." I said. "When did that happen?" She looked at me. "Last week he asked me to be his girlfriend. Don't ask who it is because we want to keep it low key for now and you know you have a big mouth." I looked at her. "Fine." She rolled her eyes. "I deserve to know now that you told me all that information but whatever." She said. "Sure you do." I laughed.

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