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jasmine All that matters to me💜

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5 hours ago

Wifey💍🦋💜You are the only person who continues to break my heart and I know you don't care but I've loved you forever I've tired to make you a better person in my head

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You are the only person who continues to break my heart and I know you don't care but I've loved you forever I've tired to make you a better person in my head... I need I want a break from you from us from everything. Me, Juliet, Kylie, Stormi, and the rest of my family are going on a trip. If you want to go the house and get your stuff go ahead but I don't want to see your face at all. You have a decision to make and that's figuring out if you want a family or Hailey. You always say your family is everything to you but you haven't showed that lately
I love you I do but I have my own issues Justin and this will not be one of them. Figure out what you want.

Read 2:17 am


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