24: Where There's Smoke There's Fire

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     After the rain had stopped everyone soon finds themselves back at the trading outpost that Sir Gabriel had purchased six barrels of food earlier. Sir Gabriel looks more like a knight; wearing his armor minus his helmet which he has tied to his waist. He no longer feels vulnerable, the metal being able to protect him from most attacks. He is inside the building, retrieving the sword that Sir Olric had given him yesterday.

     Ashley is waiting outside, her fifty-one-foot stature preventing her from entering the building, as she is consuming another two barrel's worth of food. Sir Gabriel was insistent that she has enough to eat, and the maiden was not going to argue with him. Normally being outside wouldn't bother her too much, but Sir Gabriel is inside retrieving his sword and paying for everything that had been purchased.

     Faith is looking up at Ashley, enjoying a loaf of bread that Sir Gabriel and Ashley had generously purchased for her. She is still amazed that such a large woman exists. She had always believed that she is the tallest woman in Albion until meeting Ashley. A title that she is glad no longer belongs to her.

     Sir Gabriel steps out from the trading outpost, his gaze fixated on the giantess's beautiful face. While looking at her he can't help but recall what Edward had said about the amount of coin Ashley has in her coin pouch. Sure, the knight is aware that the giant maiden needs a lot of coin to sustain herself, but Edward did bring up a valid question. How did she get so much? He had always assumed that she had earned it. But when she helped out on a farm in August, she had told him that she was not used labor. He decides to push these thoughts aside for now.

      "Faith, are you sure that you don't want to travel with us?" Ashley asks while looking down at the tall woman.

      "I am sure." Faith still has a hard time believing that she is having to look up at someone for a change, someone who is kneeling. "I am heading for Knobbstown. Didn't you say that you are headed for Creek's Crossing?"

      "Yes we are," Sir Gabriel answers while looking at the second-tallest woman he has ever met, "Creek's Crossing is towards the river and Knobbstown is towards direction Ashley and I came from."

     "Well, best of luck on your journey," Ashley says with a smile. She is sad to be parting ways with someone who is dealing with a problem that is similar to what she went through growing up, but at the same time, she is glad that she will be alone with Sir Gabriel as she continues her travels with him. She wastes no time lowering her hand to the ground, her open palm facing upwards so that the knight can climb onto it.

     Faith watches with a sense of awe as she witnesses the knight being lifted high into the air. This is the second time she has watched the maiden place the man she loves onto her shoulder. He is sitting there as if it is normal. Then again, what could be considered normal for those two could be vastly different because of Ashley's extraordinary size? This is something that she will keep in mind for herself if she manages to find herself in a relationship. With her tall and lanky figure, she finds it to be very unlikely that she will meet someone who is the same height as she is, much less, taller than her.

       Sir Gabriel leans up against Ashley's cheek, wanting to be as close to her as possible. Her large finger gently strokes his face, the giant maiden enjoying this very simple gesture before she begins to make her way towards Creek's Crossing. Her long strides carry both her and Sir Gabriel away from the trading post at a relatively quick pace. S Ashley moves further away, Faith finds herself wondering if she will meet the giant maiden again in her lifetime.

     "I still can't believe everything you went through today, just to get me something to eat." Ashley goes over everything Sir Gabriel had told her; having to leave his sword behind as collateral, loading six barrels onto the back of the cart by himself, and fighting off a group of bandits while unarmed. She has a sneaking suspicion that he may have thrown in an exaggeration or two just to make it sound more impressive. She doesn't mind them, of course, it made his tale more entertaining to listen to.

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