Chapter 1: Rose

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Author's Note: I don't know where this one came from. I saw a gif where Avi is looking VERY fondly at Scott and I just... ran with it.  Please comment and vote if you like this, and if so, I'll be sure to update frequently!

Chapter 1: Rose

LA traffic might actually be the death of him, one day.

Scott growled at the stopped car in front of him, eliciting a giggle from the smaller man in his passenger seat.

"We're so late," Scott whined. Mitch was openly laughing now.

"It's fine, Scott. Babies don't know what time it is, anyway."

"Why is there so much traffic, though? Shouldn't people be, I don't know, at home, like they were told?"

"We aren't at home, either, Scotty."

Scott growled again. Mitch reached over, patting his knee affectionately.

"Why so stressed? This is gonna be a good day."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of Scott's ringtone blaring through the car's Bluetooth. He nearly poked a hole in the touch screen as he angrily tapped "accept call."

"Where are you guys? She. Is. So. Cute." Kirstie's voice rang through the car.

"How did you get there so fast, Kirst? Traffic is so bad."

"I left at a normal time, Scott." They could hear Kevin laughing in the background.

"We'll be there in 7-10 business years," he whined, hanging up before waiting for her response.

They were on their way to Esther's house to meet the new baby. Scott smiled fondly at the thought of his friendship with Esther. She had been like a sister to him for years. He held so much love for that woman, his heart could burst. He was ecstatic to see her with Darien, and now, their beautiful new baby girl.

Now, if only he could get there.

They had kept in touch over the past few years since she and Avi decided to part ways with the group. They would text, get together as much as possible, and just generally let each other know that they were there for one another. Scott frowned as he thought about how he wished he could have done the same with her brother.

Avi, on the other hand, distanced himself from Scott as soon as he boarded the flight to visit his parents after their last show. The air that night was full of tears and promises to stay in touch, and that, just maybe, they would sing together again someday. Avi had kept his promise of staying in touch... just not with Scott.

Scott had tried a few times. He had called him on his birthday for two years in a row. He would send memes every once in a while, adding a comment like, "Thought of you when I saw this!"

Avi never answered his calls. Scott would receive a text reply, saying, "Sorry I missed you, bud. Thanks for thinking of me," or something else that sounded equally like it was from a distant uncle.

So finally, Scott gave up. He decided to focus on his friendship with Esther, and he tried to ignore the pang of jealousy when his friends recounted recently seeing or speaking to Avi with fondness in their voices.

They pulled up to Esther's house exactly 48 minutes late. Sighing, he slammed the car door and wandered up the driveway, putting his mask on. Mitch caught up with him as they knocked on the door.

"Hey!" They sang in unison as Darien answered the door. He beamed at them and pulled them both into a hug.

"Congratulations, Darien. We can't wait to meet her," Scott exclaimed. A squeal from up the stairs startled them.

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