Chapter 6: One Step Forward

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Author's Note: Here it is! The big finale. If you like this Scavi story, please let me know, and I'll know to write more in the future! Thank you for reading!!

Chapter 6: One Step Forward

Avi was pacing back and forth in his bedroom for far longer than he cared to admit. Memories from the night before came flashing through his mind.

Scott grinding against someone.

Scott pressed against a wall.

A tongue down his throat.

Hands all over his body.

He was filled with rage unlike he had ever felt. With a pained groan, he grabbed his keys and practically sprinted to his car.

He didn't remember the car ride. He didn't remember climbing out of his car, or the strides he took to the front door. He didn't remember pounding on it like his life depended on someone answering it.

"Avi...?" Mitch's soft voice brought him back down to earth.

"Where's Scott?" Avi nearly growled, pushing past the smaller man.

"He's... he's napping. I'm not sure if you know, but he got a bit too drunk last night..." but Avi was halfway down their hallway, already. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, and Mitch nearly crashed into his back. He turned around, feeling suddenly like he might cry.

"Is there someone in there with him?"

Mitch's eyes were soft and understanding. "No, Avi. No one is in there with him. He came home alone."

With those words, Avi completed his mission to barge into Scott's life again. The door opened with a crash, and Scott groaned from a giant lump of blankets on his bed.

"Mitch... please. Stop being mean," the lump groaned. Avi almost thought it was cute. Almost.

Mitch reached forward, shutting the door to the bedroom, closing himself out of the room effectively. Avi was left alone with a very hungover Scott Hoying.

He moved towards the lump on the bed. He reached out, patting what he assumed must be Scott's back.

"That's my ass, Mitchy," the lump groaned. Avi's cheeks burned as he blushed, aggressively.

He adjusted his hand higher, kneading strong circles into what was now clearly Scott's back.

The lump shifted against his hands and the comforter was thrown forward, displaying Scott from the waist up. A beautiful, pained face came into view, that quickly shifted to confusion upon seeing who was sitting on the edge of his bed.

It didn't help that Scott appeared to have no clothes on. Avi wasn't sure how it was possible that he had become more toned and beautiful in the past three years. Avi averted his eyes, blushing again.

The bed shifted, and Scott was sitting up. Out of the corner of his eye, Avi could see the waistband of Scott's basketball shorts. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fuck. Sorry. Thought you were Mitch," he grumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Do I smell?" he asked, eyebrows adorably furrowed.

Avi laughed, rigidly. "No, you don't smell, somehow."

"Good," Scott replied, running a hand through his hair, which was handsomely disheveled.

"Rough night I guess?" Avi asked, without attempting to disguise the tone of judgment in his voice.

"You could say that," he replied, sounding disappointed in himself. Avi's fingertips itched to be able to reach out for him. He was so close.

"Who was that?" Scott's voice surprised him again, after a moment of tense silence.

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