52. ..A heart full of Love..

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"Love is like the waves in the sea, gentle and good sometimes, rough and terrible at others, but that it is endless and stronger than the sky and earth and everything in between."

They sat on in the dusk that was rapidly deepening into night, looking into their oblivion, so much had been said, so much had passed and there was so much that tomorrow might bring, they passed through storms, it passed through them, around them and now it was gone and they remained. There was so much to say, yet what could they really begin to say in this night, they sat in silence for minutes, the air between them growing heavy, as if they both wanted to speak, and yet had nothing to say that could not push them to awkwardness and yet pull them together..

"Why did you not leave me alone?" she asked turning her gaze at him..

"Because then I will be alone too" he spoke as if stating a fact still not looking at her while her eyes struggled hard to remove themselves from him..at this moment she realized how she could look at him forever. She could spend her life watching him just blink and breathe that near to her...

"You know everything I was ever afraid of, happened..and somehow I still survived, but I am still afraid" she spoke as her heart felt heavy at her own words..

"Afraid of what" he asked looking at her confused as her voice felt heavy..

"You" she replied looking straight into his eyes..

"You are afraid of me" he asked surprised..

"Of not having you breathing and living near me...of losing you" she averred as the moment freezed between them...She wanted to touch him, to throw her arms around him, but something held her back. Maybe it was the fear that her arms would pass right through him..As though he'd been able to read her thoughts, he slowly angled toward her. He raised his hands and held his palms out to her, he pressed their palms together, his fingers folding down to lace through hers. She felt a rush of warmth course through her, a relief as pure and sweet as spring rain.

"I'm more worried to lose you" he spoke as he drew her close, leaning into him, she felt him press his lips to her forehead in a kiss, causing a shudder to ripple through her.

"You know..everytime you do that, I realize how much incomplete I was.." she speaks as she cranes her neck up looking into his eyes while his hand brushes the lose strands of her hair off her forehead and it was this gesture of him that seemed so natural and comforting..They sat like that entangled in other's arms while his wrapped her and she happily engulfed into them, staring their skies..

"Why did you step down as an Executive Manager to a lower position?" he asked still stroking her hair as her eyes flew wide open taken aback at his words..

"How did you know?" she asked getting up from his chest and looking at his face visibly disappointed..

"That is not the question"

"It is not important" she said shrugging the question off..

"I want to know" he affirmed looking down at her face..

"You know, so why are you asking?" she spoke not meeting his eyes..

"You should not have.."he started saying when she broke him off in middle..

"You know so many people come like waves in your life, trickling in and out of tide..but then there is someone who leaves an impression, an imprint against the grains of sands and that lets you know that it was this wave whose impressions shall always be there, even when tide rolls out.." she spoke as she stared in deep night, and he just looked at her, she did not tell him she loved him but in every way she told him she did more than it, in every way she told him that he was her biggest wave that could never wash away its impressions from her shore, and just like that she shed his insecurities with just few words, she did not know how to express herself directly but it was these little things about her ways of expressing the unsaid that binded him to her shore..

Soz-ae-Ishqजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें