Chapter 2

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(Just a quick reminder I have no idea how DNA splicing in all this science stuff works so I'm just going to be making it up as I go )

                                                                                  Chapter 2

Today is the day I started to make my machinery I've been planning this out very carefully I would keep all my Machinery all my technology all of my research down in the basement my parents never went down there they don't really like going down there so it was the perfect place to do my experiments

It's if they don't have the necessary funds to build all the machinery twitch past at the capability I have to get it all from scraps luckily there's a junkyard Beach Where I usually get all my material for my experiments

And I calculated how much time it would take 6 months to build Machinery another 6 months to do DNA splicing so I can actually make the cork then another year for it to incubate usually would take 4year But since I'm doing it with machinery and not the natural way I can use a special chemical that I created to speed up the process by 4 so that way you can only take one year by the time I'm done I should be 14 and 10 months before the UA entrance exam

First I must get all the materials for the machine I'm going to use for splicing DNA luckily I've already done a lot of research on how DNA splicing conducted But what scientists don't know is you can connect those DNA strands using stem cells I know I don't have any of those so I have to manufacture than my selves using a bit of DNA splicing on a regular cell I can make it produce stem cells

Of course I've already done this and I have container somewhere so I stopped making stem cells

(One month later)

It took me a month but I finally got the DNA splicing machine down

It took longer than usual because I still have to hang out with Mina I'm not saying it's a waste of time but if I didn't Hang out with right would have cut All the time it would take to make the machines in half

But at least I'm happy while I'm making machines when I hang out with mina and at least When she finally understand how her homework worked I would just sit there and our room and work on a small piece of machine if you wondered what I'd be working on but knew I was a huge science nerd I figured it was just a part for a computer or something

Now for the biggest and hardest part the incubator it would take me five months Just to get a complete if I would have left work incubate at the regular time it would cut the time in half but I have to create an accelerator for the incubator as well to be honest I'm impressed that I'm building all this stuff in such a short amount of time with no budget

I also keep the blueprints and all my findings on my computer a file that's password protected

And make sure no one actually breaks into it I put at least 50 Password locks on that file the custom computer made to my specifications I can do whatever I want with it plus if I type it a special password which is just a bunch of computer code if I pass is all of the 50 passwords And make sure no one gets into the debug mode I also put 50 passwords on it and I'm like for that there is no fast forward code so that means you would have to type in every single one of those passwords Don't let me get started on the firewall so I'm not going to talk about that

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