Chapter 4

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(I just a little heads up mina parents are going to be important characters in this story So that means they're going to be needing names sad thing is I really don't know what to call them so I'm going to let you guys Decide what their names are going to be

Chapter 4

Izuku Was in the hospital resting trying to Regain some of his lost strength he just passed out due to A lack of energy His body Was rushed to the hospital thinking of something else has happened

Doctors ran some tests found nothing wrong with him his body was just drained and exhausted

Doctors were also running some blood tests To see what is new quirk was

(With mina)

She's just sitting right beside him hoping that you'll be okay she knows that he's just exhausted but she remembers that he took a hit from the Giant Beast Man And was worried

Mina: Come on I know you'll pull through you Always have and always will right

(Time skip)

It's been about 30 minutes and mina parents finally showed up to the hospital and came up to the room check up on their daughter

Mina dad: mina

Mina: dad

Mina mom: mina what Happened

Mina: We got attacked by a giant feeling he threatened to throw an entire building on us cuz we didn't know where the directions to the place where he was going to He was about to kill us until izuku Took the It and then is going to quirk finally awakened and Kicked his ass in the most brutalist awesome you are not going to believe it when you watch the footage way

Mina dad: So wait his Quirk finally awakened What is it then

Mina: That's the thing I don't really know

Mina dad: And you say you have footage of the fight

Mina: Yeah I have it right here

The three of them watch to fight over again And watch Telugu struggle a little bit he's amazing fighting style a strategy is a skill and awesomeness that is the crucification prison

Mina dad: Jesus Christ I knew the kid was amazing but this I cannot believe this I mean he crucified him crucified not just hide his hands around the poles he stabbed them right through his pants and his feet now that is hardcore

Mina: I know right

After the video, the doctor walked into the room the doctor question needs to parents asking if he was family they respond with no and that their daughter just friends and they came to check up on her daughter

Doctor: Well since your daughter's friends with him allow it by the way we finally got information on this work would you like to hear it

Mina: yes

Doctor: All right we gave it a name super copy Is quirk let him copy quirks permanently and to top it all off it gives him a little bit of quirk vision This allows him to see People's quirks and what they do

Mina: So not only can he copy it but he can see and get information on quirks

Doctor: Yep these two abilities are inside the one quirk they're not to there just one

Mina dad: Wow

Doctor: Yes well he's just tired just give me a few hours and he be fine

Mina: Well that's good

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