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The four guys hit the concrete floor with a thud. Actually, Mark and Nate hit the floor. Sean and Matt landed on top of them.

"Okay, remind me to never do that again," Mark said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Going through to the computer world was never easy, and this time was worse, since the guys had never gone in on their own before. After Sean and Matt rolled off of the other two, they all sat up and looked around.

"So," Matt said slowly. "Where exactly are we?"

"I'm going to guess that we're inside (y/n)'s computer," Sean said.

The other three paused and slowly turned to look at him.

"Thanks for your input," Matt said sarcastically, while at the same time Mark said, "Where would we be without you?"

"Hey, guys!" Nate whispered. He was motioning to them from a doorway. "Over here!"

Matt, Mark, and Sean all ran over to where Nate was standing. The tiny room they were in opened up into a long hallway. The walls were grey, and the carpet was faded. Every few feet, there was a door to another room.

"Okay, good start," Mark said. "Now we've just got to find (y/n)."

"That could take forever," Sean pointed out.

"Maybe we should split up?" Nate suggested.

"No way," Matt said firmly. "If we know these viruses, then going on our own is a horrible idea. What happened if one of us gets caught?"

"Or if a few of us get caught," Mark said.

Nate and Sean nodded in agreement. Sean poked his head out through the door way. 

"Well, there's no one here now," he observed. "Let's go."

With him leading, the other three duck and hurried down the hall. Despite being old, the floor was surprisingly quiet. Sean and Mark were watching for any of the viruses. Matt studied the walls for clues. Nate was on the lookout for you.

When they reached the first room, they decided to try the doorknob.

"Locked," Mark muttered.

"Let's try this one," Nate said, moving for another door across and slightly down the hall.

He jiggled the doorknob, and then the door opened. He peered into the room, then entered with the others behind him. 

The room itself was empty, save for a bed without a mattress, an empty desk, and a window. One by one, the YouTubers realized that, despite the lack of furniture, the layout was nearly the same as your bedroom.

"That's weird," Mark said.

"Yeah," Matt agreed. "You'd think that, when we came through the computer, we would have already been in this room."

"Well, we all know things are not what they seem in the computer world," Sean stated.

Deciding to move on, they all moved toward the door--when footsteps sounded from down the hall. Frantically whispering for Nate to close the door, the guys tried to hide behind what little furniture was in the room. Nate shut the door until it was only open a crack, then crouched, trying to hide behind the door itself.

As he peeked through the crack, he wasn't surprised to see his own alter ego--Natemare--leaving a room that was only a few doors down. What did surprise him, was that Natemare was dressed in the same getup that he had used for his "Phantom" video.

Natemare closed the door, then walked down the hall, thankfully, in the opposite direction. Nate  noticed that he hadn't locked the door behind him; something they could use to their advantage.

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