Episode 8, Chapter 1

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Episode 8, Chapter 1:

According to the Catholic Church, mortal sin can only be absolved through the sacred act of confession, and it looks like a certain Christian princess has recently found herself desperately in need of a little unburdening. And who is the Man upstairs to discriminate?

"What worries you, dear girl?"

"I've done something unspeakable," Quinn said to the man behind the mesh.

"I'm sure it can't be as terrible as you say. Do know that God forgives all who promise not to trespass him against him again," the priest responded.

"It's been a while since my last confession, Father. I've done bad things before, but what happened last night was much worse. I've bullied, lied, been envious, coveted a lot, but now I have to add adultery."

"You're not married, child?"

"No, dating. Well, not currently dating. It's complicated," she announced pitifully. Quinn blubbered a bit when she cried. The tears in her eyes were real, but the tone of voice was how you knew she was hurt. "The fact is that I cheated with my boyfriend's best friend, which is something I told myself I'd never do after my friend did that to me."

"Did you forgive this friend?"

"Eventually, yes."

"Well then my advice is to forgive yourself first. Promise yourself and God that you'll not stray from the good path, abstain from acting on...urges, and try not to lie. Honesty and trust are good and gracious."

"Thank you, Father," she made the sign of the cross before leaving the confessional.

Outside she applied her sunglasses to avoid the sun, which burned down on her like she was a vampire meant to live in the dark. Certainly, God was not through with her if she could feel this lousy.

She'd snuck out of bed before the sun rose and left Puck's room and apartment after getting her clothes, hoping that no one saw her. She blamed the alcohol mostly. Quinn did know her limits. She had just purposely brushed passed them last night. And look where that got her? she told herself while hailing a cab in front of the posh hotel as she left with the rest of the morning check-out crowd.

She never wore black, but after she got home to change, she dressed for the occasion. She'd betrayed herself. It would be harder than the priest said to just forgive herself.


Kurt and Blaine had fallen asleep on his couch. They knew better than to go into Blaine's room in the middle of the night when Burt could catch them in the morning and get the wrong idea. He would allow them to do what they wanted under his roof as long as it was PG through PG-13. They freshened up, and Kurt dressed in some of Blaine's clothes that were a little too large for the shorter boy to wear regularly. Blaine had kept them for the day he decided to have them dry cleaned, and shrunken, if possible, but they looked so good on Kurt he gave him permission to keep them. Kurt was stylish in anything he wore. Blaine never could have put that together himself.

Only partially hungover, they went to the corner café for coffee and baguettes. Kurt loved his coffee, and he loved even more that Blaine knew his coffee order. No one he ever went for coffee with knew what it was. Kurt was shaken out of his reverie when their drinks arrived by none other than Tina Cohen-Chang.

"Tina, hey, what are you doing here?" Blaine asked her, half hugging her from his seat.

"It was the best part-time job I could find, and I need money to stay afloat. Honestly, waitressing drives me crazy, and I don't even like coffee."

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