Episode 13, Chapter 2

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Puck, who'd been almost aloof when talking to Kurt, hadn't been able to eat since he heard the news about Quinn, and the romantic performances only made him sicker. He caught up with her in between 6th and 7th classes, but she yanked herself away from him.

"Puck, before you say anything you'll regret, let me say first that I'm not pregnant. Kurt had outdated information, but as far as you're concerned, nothing has changed between us. You go ahead or behind with your life, and I'll go on with mine."

"So, you're not..."

"No, just what you heard. I've got a boyfriend to meet up with, and you aren't him."

Quinn felt liberated as she left him but had no clue of what would erupt by dismissal.

The phones all chimed like clockwork as the students left the building. They stopped in their tracks to read Gossip Girl's news update.

Looks like the Virgin Queen isn't as pure as she pretended to be. If Quinn Fabray lied about that, what else might she be lying about? Who's your Daddy, Q? Baby Daddy that is? Two guys in one week? Talk about doing the nasty, or should I say being nasty?

Rachel wasn't a big fan of any of the girls that had recently become a part of the highest social order, but Rachel knew where she belonged, and if she had to take out a blonde to get there, she'd do what she had to do. Of course, she'd been listening in when Blaine and Kurt were having dinner. She had an ear for bettering her own situation. At the rate she was going she and Finn could be the next power couple, but she needed to be a key player in the line of succession. No one really liked Quinn much anyway. Look at how easy it was for her to fall.

Finn couldn't care less about all the latest drama on Gossip Girl. He didn't believe half of what got shared. Rachel left him hanging as she had some light business to attend to. Something game-changing.

Sam and Rachel never spoke, but she made sure to run into him just after the blast went out. Sam knew she was one of Quinn's "friends" so Rachel would know the truth. All he needed was to get her to be honest with him. Rachel only protested so much before giving Sam the scoop on what was really going down under his nose and offering details on where to find Puck too. Rachel wasn't entirely happy with herself, but she would be happy when she saw Finn later to continue celebrating Valentine's day.

The Mohawk-wearing teen had been in his fair share of fights, typically they were brawls over women when he had too much to drink and the occasional throwdown to put nerds in their place. However, there was one person he had never fought with physically. Not only was Sam like Puck's brother—they'd been through everything together—Sam was an unusually happy guy, and even the worst that Puck did, never really broke them up. So, when Sam took a swing at him and lunged for his throat, he forgot how to protect himself and had no idea what to do.

"How could you? My girlfriend?" he raged

"Sam, get off me! I don't want to hurt you."

"You couldn't touch me if you tried. Answer the question! What sick things go on in your mind that can possess you to sleep with my girlfriend?"

"You weren't together. She needed me!" Puck fought upwards against Sam who was still wailing on top of him.

"She needed you so you treated her like all the others? I could—"

"I'm sorry, alright! I'm sorry!"

"No, you're not. Not yet. It's over Puck. You come near me again. It'll be the last thing you do," Sam finally took his hands off the other boy's throat. If he'd been any angrier, he would have hurt him, but even upset, Sam was kind.

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