༞ chapter 1

15 2 4

It's 3 am and there's already a fight brewing downstairs...
What is it this time?

Taehyung makes his way down, his eyes half shut and receiving rough treatment from his fingers to open them up...

"Who do you think you are acting like you have any authority in this house?!" , the voice of his step mother, Genevieve bellowing through the house...
Taehyung's father standing just behind him on the staircase...
"Why the hell is she moaning about Talia again? Dad this happens so much, and I always have to step in for her" Taehyung mutters barely before receiving a hit behind the head from his father... "that's my wife and your step mother, treat her with more respect, the both of you" with that said he makes his way back up the stairs to their large main bedroom...

Taehyung sighs deeply for the 10th time this week and it's only Tuesday... 3 am... when people should be sleeping. He makes his way down towards the two women...
"What happened Genevieve?"
She perks up as if Taehyung actually cared for anything she had to say
"She thought she could order my dog around when he's simply protecting us"

Taehyung takes one look at the minute mutt. A chihuahua... how was that going to protect anyone. No robber would be scared of a high pitched pain in the ass that took after the one woman that constantly moans and gripes over everything...

"Your dog is a chihuahua, my sister is a young girl who needs her sleep and here we are, bullying her over her free will and human rights" Taehyung lets out getting progressively frustrated...

Genevieve looks at Taehyung with fury at the fact he defeated her authority... she's never this speechless...

Talia looks at Taehyung with tear filled eyes, as if they were about to drown in their own liquid... "I wish mom never died... it should've been him" she whispers, crashing into her brothers chest as he embraces her in a comforting hold and speaking lowly and softly... "I know... eventually he'll realize... as for now it's bed time... we have college tomorrow"

Talia nods in response and starts walking towards her room wiping her face softly with her hand...

Taehyungs mind was racing between thoughts of anger and thoughts of sadness for what his family had turned into...

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