༞ chapter 7

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They arrived at school... both of them somewhat disjointed from reality... Bethany comes to greet her boyfriend and Talia, who quickly hugs Bethany...

"So babe today could you take talia home maybe for the next week or so?"

Bethany looks at Taehyung slightly concerned but thinking nothing of it...
"Well yeah sure... obviously... is everything okay?"

Taehyung nodded with a dark look on his face...

Just as Bethany was about to question him, the bell rang and all of them were required to make their way to the gym hall for PE.
Taehyung not exactly pleased with having to do compulsory exercise... no one would use it anyway...


After PE every period seemed to go faster than usual... it was time for Taehyung to say goodbye to his sister for a while... his own girlfriend... he wasn't going to see for a week or so...

"I love you guys okay... and before you know it you'll be back with me" he utters in a low tone, his heart hurting...

"I'll bring our favourite snacks when I'm back.. and no more evil mutts trying to trip you..."

His little ending made talia smile slightly and let out a light giggle.

As the girls both watched him leave... they would literally go home to a peaceful house without knowing what was about to go down with Taehyung...


Taehyung walks back into the house letting out a deep sigh and walking straight to his room...

He began to check he had the outfit and knife ready for the time... and he did... he wasn't imagining anything... his fear was gripping him at every hour when he remembered what he's about to do in 3 days time... he feared whether he was ready, if his plan was completely fool proof...

Now all he had to do was wait... his mind racing... tomorrow would be the last time he attended college till the day... he already created his sick note for the day before... stolen straight from a  doctors office...

"You won't have to hurt anymore... we'll be a happy family again" he whispers to himself as he ponders everything in his surroundings as he sits on the chair  outside his door sill looking over the little balcony..

Taehyung wanted everything to be perfect so it makes it easier for him and his sister... No more bully defenders or sock eating chihuahuas with owners built of more plastic than a Barbie doll...

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