Husk- Anxious

15 1 0

Requested by Quinn_They :9 I hope this is okay xp

~Gender neutral reader~

You had been at the hotel for a while now and had been wanting to talk to Husk but were too scared so you just watched from the sofa imagining all the things you wish you could say to him and the conversations you would have. Sitting on your bed you decided today would be the day you finally spoke to him, you hyped yourself up before exiting your room and making your way to the bar about half the way there you had started nervously fiddling with your clothes as you made your way to a seat, sitting down you looked at Husk and opened your mouth but nothing came out he stopped drinking and raised a brow you flushed red with embarrassment and hid your face in your hands as you stood up to leave and quickly made your way to your room, a few minutes later your hear a knock and a mumbled "hey" you hesitantly made your way to the door and opened it to be greeted by Husker "I know you wanna talk to me and you've been watching me kinda creepy..but I get it and if you want we can talk in your room as it's private and might make it easier" he looked anywhere but you clearly embarrassed by what had just come out his mouth he looked at you for a reply and you slowly nodded your head and walked towards your bed waiting for him to join you.
You were looking at your hands trying to think of hat to say as he pulled you in and wrapped his tail around the both of you ""Y/N" you dont need to say anything if you want we can just cuddle" you blushed from the hug and because of how soft he sounded and instead of saying words you pressed yourself into him more getting comfortable.

Aaahh I hope this was alright I didn't quite know how to write this and sorry for the punctuation errors and stuff TwT

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