The Mysterious Letter

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The Owl had been here for almost a week now, constantly pecking at windows or flying in circles around the house. Ugh, couldn't the dumb bird see I was trying to read. Finally, I opened my window, trying to shoot the owl away, but instead of  leaving, it flew straight at me! I squealed and fell backwards, but the bird simply dropped an envelope on my desk then left. "Mom!" "Dad!?" I yelled. There was no reply. They must have gone to the market. I jumped up, ran to the window and closed it quickly before the owl could come back. Then, I picked up the envelope. It was a cream color and felt really heavy. I flipped it over and saw a fancy crest pressed into the seal. "Hogwarts? Hm I wonder what that is." I  opened it carefully so I didn't rip the envelope. I took the letter out and began to read. 

Dear Ms. Winter Hawthorne,
It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Along with this excellent opportunity to attend Hogwarts, we would like to offer you a position as the muggle studies teacher. We do hope you will consider both of our offers. The term begins on September 1st 2006, please let us know your decision before then.
Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall.

I sat down slowly, rereading the letter a few times before it dawned on me. This letter was supposed to be delivered 4 years ago because now it was 2010.

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