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I didn't know if  I would still be able to attend this school for magic four years after the invitation, so I did the only thing I could think of. I got out a piece of paper and began to write:

Dear Mrs. Mcgonagall,
While I have just recieved this letter, it seems as if it was sent a long time ago. I was unsure if your offer to attend Hogwarts and teach that "muggle" class was still a possiblility.  Please let me know if it is, as I am very interested in attending.
All the best, Winter Hawthorne.
P.S. what is a muggle?

"There. done." I said to myself as I stuffed the paper into an envelope. Now all I had to do was work up the courage to give this note to that creepy owl. So I went over to the window, where I could see the owl staring at the note in my hand intensely. I opened the window just a crack and held it out to the owl. After the bird took the note I could only hope that it was being taken back to Hogwarts.  

After all of that excitement I really needed someone to talk to, thankfully my grandmother had moved into the guest bedroom last month. So I stuffed the letter into the back pocket of my jeans and walked down the steps to my grandmother's room.

" Hey Grandma! Got a second to chat?" I asked as I poked my head into her room.

"Of course! Anything for my granddaughter!" "Look at this" I said while handing her the letter. She gasped when she saw the crest on the envelope.

" Winter do you know what this is? It's a letter to Hogwarts! So you can practice magic like I did! "

"What!" I exclaimed, "I never knew you did magic!"

"Oh yes" she answered, "I was the top witch of my class in every subject."

"Wow Grandma I had no idea,  I sent Mrs. Mcgonagall a letter asking her if the offer still stands, you know, since it's late". "Oh good work Winter! I do hope Minerva approves, I've always wanted another witch in the family!"

Muggle StudiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora